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The Millennial Generation, Generation Y, Echo Boomers, Digital Natives, and the Trophy Generation are all terms used to describe people born in the United States between the early 1980s and the late 1990s. Shaped by a heady mix of culture, politics, and technology, "Millennials" have had an unprecedented exposure to mass media, pop culture, instant communication, and cultural freedom woven together by a complex technological net. Jennifer Kushell, President of the (Your Success Network) and author of "Secrets of the Young and Successful," will explore the social impact Millennials will have on our culture and specifically on our libraries. Having worked extensively with this powerhouse, global generation, Jennifer will answer the questions: Who are Millennials? How do they interact with information and technology? In what ways can our libraries better serve them as patrons, students, and staff? Jennifer will be joined by Mandy McGee, Librarian and Manager of Adult and Teen Services, and Monica Harris, Teen Services Librarian, from the Oak Park Public Library. Please join us for an exciting discussion on library adaptation to the changing face of our patrons.
