
The Courier

Volume 20, Issue 26 (1987)

Issue Highlights


Condom Machines Proposed For CD

8 Tennis Courts To Be Constructed On East Campus

Student Dies After Motorcycle Accident

Student Sees Reagan’s ‘Teflon’ Image Start To Flake

Lindsey Praises Pretests

Tom Pukstys Wins Nationals


Craig Kafar

Dan Lindsey

June Grahn

Tom Pukstys

Eric Rice



The Courier, Volume 20, Issue 26, May 22, 1987
The Courier, College of DuPage

Editorial Staff

Editor in Chief
Jeff Teal
Managing Editor
V. Lee Sterling
Assist. Managing Editor
Susan Cornell
Photo Editor
Carl Kerstann
Sports Editor
Robert Call
Features Editor
Tina Yurmanovich
Art Editor
David Hackney
Graphics/Paste Up
Kriss Montgomery
Business Manager
Kathleen Flinn
Asst. Advertising Manager
John Caruso
James J. Nyka
Staff: Jim Beck, Bob Gabella, Julie M Gibson, Dawn Glenn, Katherine Lillig, Maria Lopez, Jim Mitchell, Cathy Moser, Frank Partipilo, Sylvia Phillips, Mark Puc, Jeffrey Romack, Bob Rummel, Steve Toloken, Dale Walker, Trish Wilcox, Linda Sullivan

Contact The Courier staff at: https://codcourier.org/about