
The Courier

Volume 29, Issue 12 (1996)

Issue Highlights


Review Board Yet To Make Decision On Possible Enrollment Violations

Students Develop Budget Proposal In Hopes To Keep Down Tuition Hike

Kellogg Foundation Funds Project To Create Laboratory For Change

New English Electives Offered To Students Looking To Be “Electrified”

IC Building Undergoes Facelift During Break

The Bad Boys Of Abridgement Are Back

‘Hotel d’Amour’ Returns To COD After Minor Changes


Patrick C. McManis

Reduced Shakespeare Company

Mike Benhart


Editorial Staff

Editor In Chief
Dan Peluso
News Editor
Laura Ingraham
Features Editor
Carrie James
Sports Editor
Chris La Fortune
Arts & Entertainment Editor
Vicki VandenBos
Photo Editor
Andy Beier
Art Director
Neil Huffman
Advertising Manager
Joanna Del Gallo
Courier Advisor
Catherine M. Stablein

Contact The Courier staff at: https://codcourier.org/about