"The Courier, Volume 35, Issue 8, November 30, 2001" by The Courier, College of DuPage

The Courier



New Options On The Menu

Board Gets Ready To Tackle ACT information (Advisory Committee for Tomorrow)

Some Things Change, Some Stay The Same–Headlines From The 1967 Courier

SGA Election Results

English Placement Policy Confronted

Defining Moments Of COD–A 35th Anniversary Retrospect On The Most Exciting And Important Events

Afghanistan Examined

To Egypt And Back: Life As A Student In The Reserves

Smokey And Paul Pay COD A Visit ("New Forest Order")

Team Accomplishes Dream–Cross Country Coach John Hodge Discusses The First Season And Nationals

Soccer Fifth In National Competition


Nancy Pfahl

Sean Kater

Robert Bacon

Lee Murdoch

William S. Robe, Jr.

John Hodge

Brigid Barrett

Andrew Browning
