Content Posted in 2018
1,250 Feet Over Kuwait, Daniel Harrison
1964, Altho A. Allen
2003, San Juan Comalapa, Guatemala, Wilda Morris
'69-'89, V. Cramer
A Book Review of "Six Modern Plagues and How We Are Causing Them" - Mark J. Walters, Jennifer Kunstman
Abortion, Kristina Zaremba
A British Lieutenant Writes Home (November 25, 1779), Robert Lundin
Abstraction no. 1, Fyodor Sakhnovski
Adam's Lament, Larry Turner
A Dirty Poem, Kate Wolicki
A Dream of Beauty and Loss of Symmetry, Glen H. Brown
adulthood, Porter Pearson
Affectuoso, Clayton Adams
A field investigation on vegetation cover, density, and soil chemistry differences of Spring--and Fall--prescribed burnings, Jomhar Solis
A Friend of Mine Who Tried to Die, or Unaffected, Robert Gruenwald
After Harvest, Jeanne Chase
After the Accident, Karen Forslin-Bojnansky
After The Storm, Elaine LaBrose
After the Storm, Jo-Ann Ledger
A Gangster's Chance, Robert X
Age Echo, Bill Hennessey
Aging Whiskey, Robert Lundin
Aire, Mary Yezek
A Lesson Learned, But Not By Choice, Eric Sorensen
Alexithymia and Eating Disorders, Olga Avercheva
Alfred Hitchcock: An Auteur Director, Anisa Selenica
Allport Street, Marie Kandl
Almost Blue, Ronda Crawford
Almost Paradise, Glen Girlando
Alto, Guillermo Barquero
Always Open, Ralph Mills
A Marriage, Jay Stricklin
A Mushroom At Breakfast, Pamela Lowrie
An American in Paris, Freyda Libman
Anatomy of Love, Sara Allen
And I Will Drown, Karen Steltman
And Now?, Robert N. Georgalas
And She Was Too Sharp, Terri Kleinvehn
And This Is the Way You're Alone, Scott Sherrin
An Early Friend, Rick Anthoney
An Emotional High, Carl E. Lind
An English Institution, Sally Wood
An Era of Resistance, Alexa Bowers
An Excerpt From a Novel in Progress, T. Christian
An Idea (Ideas are like seedlings), Pat Pope
An Idea Whose Time Has Come/From The Branch To The Wall, Robert X
Animal Seasons, Harold Tinkle
Annie, Karen A. Gorshe
Anniversary, Mil Riese
Annunciation in Lyon, Larry Turner
Another Time, Constance Vogel
Ansel at a conference once, George Peranteau
Ansel drove the sun, George Peranteau
Anthony Walker reads "We Must Free Ourselves" by John Lewis, Anthony Walker
Anticipation, Jeanne Pachaly
A Person in My Mouth, Allison D. Priebe
A Picture of a Memory, Sarah Fallon
Apology to Thoreau, Allan Carter
A Portrait of My Sister as David Bowie, L.E. Wilson
Apple Tree, Maple Tree, Larry Turner
April Rain, Suzanne Mendiola
A Question of Soul (In Two Parts), David McGrath
Arbitrary Oscillation, Claire Hehir-Rupp
A Remote Wish, Thomas A. Leach
A Rhinoceros and His Brother, Penny Fuenty
Arid Zone, J. Allan Lewis
Arthur, John Grey
Artificially Yours For Never, Ginger Siska
A Sea Story, Michael Rebresh
A Squatter's Faith, Tom Montgomery
A Statement, Jane Scoville
As The Last Grains Tumbled Through The Hourglass, Christie Chew-Wallace
Astray, Jim Ketchum
A Summer Storm, Michele M. Simon
Atanasoff, Larry Turner
A Theater Spot, Doug Dabe
At River's Edge, Tania Blanco
Atrophy Waltz, Dean Monti
A True Story And How I Imagined It, Walter J. Hickey
At the Ryogintei Zen Temple, Larry Turner
August Memory, Rebecca Lambrecht
Autumn, Rob Vogt
Autumnal Window, Clayton Adams
Autumn Love, Rebecca Lambrecht
Autumn Morning, Ellen Johnson
Autumn's Life, Bernadette Wubbel
Autumn's Reminder, Andrew Smith
Awareness, Arty Horino
Aw Foh Du? a Rhetorical Question, Martha McMillen
A Writer, Mil Riese
Back Alley of Chicago, Elizabeth Tovar
Back Cover, Tom Schwegler
Back Cover, S. Gayle Stevens
Back Cover, Robert Lundin
Back Cover, Robert H.J. Rivoire
Back Cover, John W. Lewis
Back Cover, George W. Luvisi Jr.
Back Cover, Venus Cramer
Back Cover, Marty Norpell
Back Cover, George Luvisi Jr.
Back Cover - Dead Tree, Francis Keller
Balancing Goblets, Jason Mack
Ballet, Kate Wolicki
Ballgame, Don A. Slavicek
Balmy, Michael Burke
Bath, David D. Richard
Beastiary of Collective Fingers, Students of Beverly Pidgeon
Bed, John Hankiewicz
Bed Of Life, Jan Powell
Beside The Dead Sea, Marilyn Pollock
Betrayal, Jenny Chen
Better Together, John Morello
Bette's Barn, Fredericka Krauss Howard
Between Heaven and Earth, Paty Ochoa
Between Two Worlds, Jeanne Pachaly
Between Yoga and Myopia, T. Ilango
Birches & Maples, Elaine LaBrose
Birth Father, Wilda Morris
Birth of a Star, Tania Blanco
Black, Kristin Powell
Black Elk's Arrow, David Richard
Black Hair, Hector Mirande
Bluebells, Larry Turner
Blue Images, Joan Katai
Blue Margaritas, Suzanne Blokland
Blues Away, Michael J. Kaltofen
Blurs of Grey Excitement, Kris Taylor
Bon Sai, Serena Niensted
Bookmarks, Jane Scoville
Boomerang, Karen A. Gorshe
Boredom, Andrea Potos
Boxcar Series Number One, Venus Cramer
Boxer Rebellion, Ezio Magarotto
Brain Dead, Justine M. Kawalek
Brian O'Keefe reads a selection from A Few Red Drops: The Chicago Race Riots of 1919 by Claire Hartfield, Brian O'Keefe
Bruce: Our Brother the Dog, Florence E. Brown
Bubbie, Glen Brown
Buds, David Richard
Burns, Kate Wolicki
Bus Stop, Ed Balchowsky
Bus Stop Relativity, Tod Harper
Button, Debbie Kadashaw
But You Were There With The Duck, Veronica Jean
By the Light of a Candle, Ingrid Klune
Cabin Fever, Barry Thorpe
Cacophony, Barbara Byrnes
Cactus Blues, Joe Lewis
Can Children Trust The Wind?, Wylie Shaffer
Canyon Memories, Jack Valicenti
Cardinal Winter & Summer, Margaret Berg
Carousel Child, Jennifer Bleuel
Carry You, Amanda Tyrcha
Castro's Conscience, Larry Turner
Cat, Sandra Castellan
Caves at Midnight, Olga Grush
Cerro Gordo Ore Car Railroad, Frank M. Jackowiak
Changeling on Bleeker Street (Greenwich Village 1969), Tara-Kelly Walworth
change of address, Andy Ostrowski
Chasing Rabbits, Jennifer Bleuel
Check Out, Jewel, Kathleen Keenan
Chester and Billy Go To The Moon, Ann Stotts
Chill Babe, Dan McQuaid
Chores, Carolsue Clery
Cincinnatti, David A. Smith
Cinderella's Happily Ever After, Jennifer Trucksa
Circling, Helen G. Reed
City, Robin Anthony Krieglstein
City Sites, City Sounds, Sylvia Yamada
Civilization, Carmen Elliot
Clematis: Metamorphoses, Donna Pucciani
Climate Change and the Rise of Terrorism in Northeastern Syria, Samantha Wilson
Closing Arguments, John M. Ponzio
Clown, Ushma Shah
C.O.D. Prairie, July 1993, Patricia Keir
Coffee Bean Wife, Kat Zeman
Colors, Neil Huffman
Colours, Kam Lie
Columns - Union Station, Michael McClurg
Command and Control: A Moral Framework for the Development of Artificial Intelligence, Tiffany Montgomery
Commercial, Andrea Potos
Concerning My Day at the Beach, Carolyn Aparici-law
Concerto, Emily Suchomski
Concierto de Espejismo, Michael Sullivan
Condensation, Cady Micko
Coney Island After Dark, Robert Parran
Connected, Carlene M. Mogavero
Contrasts, Daniel P. Fox
Corkscrew Canyon, Elaine LaBrose
Corn, Janet Petrine
Cornersleep, Daniel Gannon
Cornerstone of Life, Sara Berg
Cornucopia, Michael A. Metzler
Cornucopia, Michael A. Metzler
Country Boys, Jeff Warmack
Cover Art Photo - Peak Through The Window", Elaine LaBrose
Creativity, Kathleen Keenan
Crusty Bread, Carleen O. Vandergrift
Cry Popa, Craig Rice
Cumulative Index of Student Authors
Cycle Of Silence, Anne Byrnes
Dad, Kathleen Keenan
Dad, Jane Scoville
Dana Thompson reads "What America Would Be Like Without Blacks" by Ralph Ellison, Dana Thompson
Dance, Debbi Dickinson
Danger of Assault, Sylvia Rudolph
Dangling Conversation, Marcine LaFountain
Danny Cochran Reads a Passage from The FIre Next Time, by James Baldwin, Danny Cochran
Dark World, Mark Evans
Daughter, John Halgren
Daughter of Joy, Robert N. Georgalas
David Swope Reads A Selection From "Invisible Man, Got the Whole World Watching" bu Mychal Denzel Smith, David Swope
Day & Night, Arty Horino
Day To Day, Robin Anthony Krieglstein
Dead Violets, Pete Dederick
December, Richard Anthony
Decomposer, Elaine St. Laurent
Dedication, Phylis Janik
Deja Reve, Lexi Ortlieb
Deluded Fragment #200, Robert Parran
Derrick Willis reads "Life on Mars" by Tracy K. Smith, Derrick Willis
Desert Yucca, Laura Jakubowski
Destiny, Jane Henry
Dial Tones, Thomas A. Leach
Differences, Mary Lang
Directions, Kathleen Keenan
Discovery, David Simcik
Discussions with Dike, Phoebe Parker
Division By Street, Brian Reedy
Division Street, Ann Marie Stotts
Doing Dishes, Richard Zabransky
Domestic Theology, Emilia Dickerson
Donna, Randy Psenicka
Don't Call Me, I'll Call You, Mil Riese
Double Deutsche, Joseph Barillari
Dr. Ann Rondeau reads selected writings of Frederick Douglass, Ann Roundeau
Dreams, Debbie Ryel
Dreams: Part One, Thom Rindahl
Duet for Guitar and Accordion, Kirstin Palatinus
Dulcinea in Calumet City, Richard Muegge
Each Day A Little More, JoAnn Wolf
Echoes, Robert Lindgren
Ectasy, Kara Azzerello
Edge of Time, Paty Ochoa
Editor's Letter, Jim Ketchum
Elegy, Jeane Dalton
Elegy for Joyce Kilmer Belleau Woods, July 30, 1918, Margaret Berg
Elegy for Miss Alma, Dean Monti
Elie Wiesel at Moriah Congregation, Cynthia Warso
Emergence, Jane Barnes
Empty Nest, Constance Vogel
Ended But Unfinished, Virginia Dvorak
End of the Lot, Cynthia I. Hilligoss
Engendering, Sharon Nichols
Enlightenment, Maureen Simmerman
Enter the Hidden Dimension Behind Your Screen: The Deep Web, Tessa Burker
Entropy, Michael Becker
Epitaph, Glen H. Brown
Equilibrium, Bruce W. Maki
Erika Pitts reads a selection from Why I Love Black Women, by Michael Eric Dyson, Erika Pitts
Erin, Daniel J. Deasu Jr.
Escape to the Next World, David Mayhew
Ethos, Pathos, and Logos in a Leader, Megan DalSanto
Evanescent, Gina T. Farag
Evening Room, Laura Jirsa
Every Poem, Jason Ahlenius
Evolving, Laurel A, Delaney
Exit, David A. Smith
Expert Says Bumps in Bible, James McGloin
Eyes for Spring, Dortha J. Douglass
Eyes of One Soul, Jacqueline Withers
Face 2, Terry Jones
Face For Radio, Ronda Crawford
Fading Away, Linda Grott Ebeling
Family Tree, Hector Mirande
Father, Son - Friends, Y. Fred Fernandez
Faults, Steph Ziemann
Fears, A Nightmare, Joannie Liesenfelt
Fenced Cow, Frank V. Slepicka
Fermi Lab, Kathleen Keenan
Fiction and Reality: Serial Killers as a Product of Postmodern Fiction, Lauren Phegley
Fight the Good Fight, Molly Wilmes
Final Resting Place, Bruce W. Maki
Financial Place, David Magdziarz
Finding a Poem, Sheila Elliot
First Impression, Brian Reedy
First Kiss, Curt Clendenin
First, There Was Math, David Fountain
Fishbowl Haven, Surucki Gadkari
Fish Town, Leland, Michigan, Laura Jakubowski
Five Years Before Pete Rose, Glen Brown
Flower Farms, Michael Becker
Flying Dream, Katrina Zethmayr
For A Woman I Can Dance To, Rick Anthoney
For Dianne, Kathleen Keenan
Forest Art, Christine Cianciosi
For My Grandson, Kate Lipuma
For Patricia Nora, 1994, Mary Ellen Cooper Martinez
Foxhunt, Don A. Slavicek
Franz Burnier Reads a Passage From "The World House", by Dr. Martin Luther King, Franz Burnier
Frayed Edges, Maureen Tolman Flannery
Front, Emily Suchomski
Front Cover, Christopher Yoon
Front Cover, Neil Huffman
Front Cover, Neil Huffman
Front Cover, Nancy Jean Carrigan
Front Cover, Tom Schwegler and Meri Philips
Front Cover, S. Gayle Stevens
Front cover, Robert Lundin
Front Cover, Robert H.J. Rivoire
Front Cover, Tanya Gonzalez
Front Cover, John W. Lewis
Front Cover, Julia E. Yackovich
Front Cover, Bruce Williams
Front Cover, George W. Luvisi Jr.
Front Cover, Cindy Lee
Front Cover, Michael McClurg
Front Cover, Jeanine Anzalone
Front Cover, David Hackney
Front Cover, Marty Norpell
Front Cover - Honey, Hannah Davis
Front Cover - "Musings of the Virgin Bride", David J. Magdziarz
Front Cover - Rusty Tales, Anne Hansen
Front Porch Seat at a Midnight Opera, Andrew Smith
Funeral, Shawn Spurlock
Fun For the Family, Curt Clendenin
Ganymede, Pete Cholewinski
General Emotions, Sean Higgins
Geranium, Frank V. Slepicka
German Sunset, Randall Muellar
Getting Hit by a Train, Kathleen Keenan
Ghostbusting with Egon, Glen H. Brown
Ghosts, Mil Riese
Giant Saguaro, Laura Jakubowski
Gifts, Anne Byrnes
Gifts from God, Glen H. Brown
Gilded Sol, David Magdziarz
Gingerbread, Fredericka Krauss Howard
Ginger Cat, Blaine G. Ryan
Giraffe in Kenya, Elaine LaBrose
Girlfriend, Karen Webb Owen
Give Way to Winter, James C. Simak
Glittering Scape, Tony Tesauro
Gnarly Men, Steve Mayfield
Going In Style, Michael Raia
Golden Hour Star, Leslie Cortes
Grandma Turskey, Kristin Belleson
Gravity Hates the Cream Puff, Nevah Tommy
Gray Scale, Christopher Schmitt
Gray Squirrels, One Robin, Glen H. Brown
Gray Visit, Rick Anthoney
Green Midnight, Venus Cramer
Grieve Not For Gretna, Denise Moran
Groupings, Jane Scoville
Growing Up, Phyllis Sinclair
Growth, Mary E. Fisher
Guarded Secret, Jeanne Pachaly
Guest, Naomi W. Peralta
Guest, David D. Richard
Gun Metal Grey, Phyllis Sinclair
Guns and Responsibility, Marina Pascual
gutterramble, Gregory Sarns
Hair, Clint Thiele
Haitian Village Lady, Judith C. McArdle
Hands, Constance Vogel
Hands of Age, April Kornberger
Happi-, Tori Telfer
Have A Nice Day, Glen Brown
Hawker on Jackson Boulevard, Wilda Morris
Heading West All Nite, Rich Cermak
Heaven on a Sunday Morning, Jeanne Chase
Heaven on Earth, Jill Semmer
He Promised Her All The Treasures Of The World, Gabriela Vesely
He Rode Into Town on a Dinosaur, Jim Ketchum
Heroics, Jane Scoville
He Was Powerless All Along, Heather Anderson
Hidden Laughter, Tommy Bolin
Hi, Honey I'm Home!, Raymond Kim
Hilda, Robert Calisch
Hold the Nuts, Glen Brown
Homesick, Nissa Holtkamp
Home Sweet Home, Lauren Krigas
Hotel Room, Kathleen Keenan
Hot Summer - Scattered Images, Karol Verson
HoundsToothDress, Cady Micko
House On Fire (On Smoking a Hive of Honey Bees), Dorothy J. Zellmer
How to Go Back in Time, Sarah Daneine
Hum If You Can't Sing, Glen Brown
Hundreds and Millions, Gregg Shapiro
Husband, Daddy, Etc., Don A. Slavicek
I Am, Rebecca Frabizio
I Am Not Old, William L. Rabenstein
Ibid, Anne Byrnes
I Build, Michael A. Metzler
Ice, Steve Anderson
Iced, Carole M. Sherman
i don't want to call it anything, Greg Young
I Hate Fishing, Catherine T. Wagner
I Live in Music, Mariah Vance
Illinois, Don A. Slavicek
illinois and i, Jay Stricklin
Illustration, Jim Ketchum
Immortal Bliss, Brian Kovich
Implicit Bias and the School to Prison Pipeline, Thomas Morris
Improved Property, Carl L. Sandquist
In a Tonal Time, Khadijah Leverette
Inching Home, Laura Lein-Svencner
In Defence, Grace L. Hayley
Indian, Mil Riese
Indian Step (Freedom), Daniel M. Gannon
Infared Storm, Francis Keller
Infinity, David Ducommun
Inner City Ecstasy, Jeanne Pachaly
Insert of Back Cover, George W. Luvisi Jr.
Inside - Out, Cynthia I. Hilligoss
Insignificance, Adrianne Alvarez
Inspiration, Kristen Powell
Interlude, Union Station, Pat Brown
Internalized Bitch in the Kitchen, Carlene Mogavero
Interpreting Karl Jaspers' "Phenomenological" Plato Transcending the Bounds of the Doctrinal Scholarly Tradition, James Magrini
Interstate 57, David McGrath
In the Garden of Eaten, David Simcik
In the Republic of Fear, Glen H. Brown
In the Shadows, James C. Simak
Introduction - Jennifer Kelley, Jennifer Kelley
Intruder, Naomi W. Peralta
In which there is a place that has weather like yesterday a lot, David Thomas
I Saw Chicago Today, Marilyn Pollock
I Saw My Parents Dance, Jeanne Chase
Is There Justice Only Among Lizards?, Larry Turner
I've Been Framed, Lisa Tovar
I've Just Seen a Face, a friend of Teena *
I wanna be shrunk Jan, Michael Barnes
"I Want To Be Pregnant" (Happy Father's Day, Someday), Joannie Liesenfelt
Jack LeZizi, David Banasiak
Jennifer Kelley Reads "1,968 Winters" by Jackie Earley, Jennifer Kelley
Jennifer Kelley reads "Joker, Joker, Deuce" by Paul Beatty, Jennifer Kelley
Jim's Mom, Glen Brown
J. Johnson, George DanDan
John Kness reads "Those Winter Sundays" and "Frederick Douglass" by Robert Hayden, John Kness
Joshua, Larissa Czaja
Judas, Arlene Harting
Judas, Arlene Harting
Just Not Fast Enough, Glen Brown
Kathy, Cynthia I. Hilligoss
Kauai, William Rabenstein
Keep You In The Dark, Matt McNichols
Kelly's Corner, Carl E. Lind
Kenya Rogers Reads "Phenomenal Woman" by Maya Angelou, Kenya Rogers
Kettles and Moraines, Alan Bergeson
Key West Early Morning Rain, Jeanne Chase
Kickball, Abbie Bryant
Kid, Kathleen Keenan
Killaloe, Elizabeth Frances Hayes
Killer, Rich Cermak
Kitchen Knives, Mardelle Fortier
Knock Out, Richard Calisch
Korean Traditional Folk Dance, Suk Suh Myong
Lady Jazz, Don A. Slavicek
Lake Effect Snow, David Beeching
La Lagaritja y La Culebra, John Louis Steen
Laszlo Talks To God About Gifts Of Tribulation, Pat Brown
Laura Koenig Reads "Harlem" and "Dreams" by Langston Hughes, Laura Koenig
Lawn Days, Andrew Walters Cole
L-A-X, Michael Burke
Lazlo Talks to God About Lazlo's Role, Pat Brown
Learning is the Greatest Adventure: A History of College of Dupage, 1966-2006, William Benton Whisenhunt
Leaves and Frost, Denis Hagen
Left Margin Film Noir, Winslow Vanchelay
Lela Amy 1883-1983, Ruth LaSure
Leprechaun, Kat Zeman
Letter From the Editor, Brian Reedy
liberty, Emily Suchomski
Lick the Rough Side, Neil Huffman
Life, Carol Burg
Lightning Rods, Wilda Morris
Like a Lover, Jeanne Chase
Linda Elaine Reads "Poem About My Nights" by June Jordan, Linda Elaine
Lipservice, Anthony Opal
Lisa's Kazoo, Daniel M. Gannon
List Of Things To Do, David B. Ruzak
Little Girl, Kat Zeman
Lonely Running, Arty Horino
Loon Cry, Anne Byrnes
Los Angeles Forest Fire, Jon Ruffolo
Lost Songs, John Mahoney
Love Affair, M.J. Bressler
Lovely Weather for a Wedding Marriage in Shakespeare Plays, Nicole Dominguez
Lunar Ode, Jean Nagel Stonesifer
Lunchtime, Derek Yang
Lunchtime, Deborah Joyce
Lunchtime at the Water Survey, Meri Philips
Lust, Sarah Allen
Magic Mirror, George Luvisi Jr.
Male, Kathleen Keenan
Male Eyes, Jane Scoville
Manners, Jennifer Trucksa
Marcie, Jay J. Kaylin
Marian With The Silver Grey Hair, Robert N. Georgalas
Mary Darling's Mother, JoAnne Brotman-Smith
Meaningless, Dorothy Santoyo
Meditating the Death of Chaos, C.F. Costanza
Me Lady, Carl L. Sandquist
Melt, Kathleen Ward
Memories, Sylvia Rudolph
Message, Kathleen Keenan
Mexican American, Raymond Noceda
Middle Aged Woman, C.J. Hyde
Mid Life Crisis, Catherine Conway
Miles To Go, Mardelle Fortier
Mix - N - Match, Kara Azzarello
Modern Carnivores, John Matthews
Money: An Autobiography, Timothy L. Chaffin
Moon Horror, Glen H. Brown
Morning Class, Bob Warburton
Morning Dew, Claude M. Riendeau
Morning Kiss, Mike Pampinella
Morning Stillness, Christine Cianciosi
Morning Tea, Susan Trestrail
Moth, Constance Vogel
Moth Ice, Timothy Craig
Motorcycle Rider, Carl L. Sandquist
Mourning Rwanda, Jeffery Littner
Muscles and Fishnets: Exploring the Similar Autoerotic Elements within Body Image, Jack Beutler
My Birth, Sandra Castellan
My Coffee Cup, Marilyn J. Pollock
My Dog's Nose Is Too Fluffy, Jonathan M. Vick
My Dream, Mark Rake
My Impression of Van Gogh, Arty Horino
My Last Day, Suze Tegert
My Little Margy, Lee Johnson
My Maggie May, Tara Kelly Wallworth
My Misery Years of Childhood, Rohman Ly
My people! My people!, Joseph Johnson
My Ring Finger Doesn't Go Anywhere, Jenny McBride
Naps, Richard Zabransky
Nature's Attitude, Paty Ochoa
Nemra Maseem reads "Human Family" and "Woman Work" by Maya Angelou, Nemra Naseem
Neoclassical Edifice, Robert Lundin
Nettie's Web, Judith C. McArdle
Never In The Sun, John A. Wilkins III
New Moon, Brian Reedy
Night Bench Sitters, Robert Lundin
Nightfall, Kathleen Keenan
Nihilist Girl, Charlie Ulch
Noctuary, Tricia Marcella Cimera
No More, Michael Burke
Noon of a Hamadryad, Rosemary Formolo
No Sleep and Vulnerability, Alejandra Hernandez
Not All There, Margaret Segal
November, Kate Lipuma
Now Seeking More Suitable Employment, Walter J. Hickey
Nurturing, Pamela Dujlouich
Oakland Bay Bridge, Kenn Hartmann
Occipital Tower, Neil Huffman
October's Song, Carole M. Sherman
Octopus, Mary Carroll
Odds and Evens, Ellyn Ong
Of Foxes and Hens: The Stacked Battle for an Illinois Budget, Jen Beirl
Of Janet, David McGrath
Oh, The Memories, Lana Mahairi
Old House in the Woods, Elaine LaBrose
Old Men, Bill Hennessey
Old Smiles, Mil Riese
On A Windy Night, Veronica Jean
One Moment, Please, Mil Riese
One Night Stand, Gabriela Vesely
One Of These Days, Tony Jablonski
One-Sided Love, Aimee Martin
One's Sensing, Burning Self, Katrina Zethmayr
Only Drive When It's Wet, Neil Huffman
On My 89th Birthday, John J. Poweziak
On My Kitchen Table, Cathi King
On Pegasus, Roberta Hahn
On Sleep and Cicadas, Jay Stricklin
On That Note, Meg Kindelin
On The Back of This Envelope About This Asian Girl I Know, Jim Ketchum
On The Lookout, Kate Wolicki
On the Program, a friend of Bill W. *
Open Mouth - Insert Foot, Preston Bahr
Organic Stopwatch, Kym McCord
Other Voices, Constance Vogel
O' to Sweetness my Bitterness Becomes Me, Kaitlan Madsen
Otters, Patrick Brown
Our Car, Sylvia Wolfe
Ours and Not, A. Silesius
Paid In Full, John J. Gordon
Paint By Numbers, Barbara Slaga
Painted With Wonder, Anne Byrnes
Painted With Wonder, Anne Byrnes
Paper Cut Out, Ann M. Stotts
para tus manos, Sarah Ruch
Part of the Milky Way, Carrie Ketchum
Passage, Kathleen Keenan
Pasta, Deborah Joyce
Patience, Brian Reedy
Patridiotic, U Dog U
Peak Through The Window, Elaine LaBrose
Pebble, Serena Niensted
Perspective, Jakk Sawyer
Peter James reads a selection from We Were Eight Years in Power, by Ta-Nehisi Coates, Peter James
Petrified, Penny Fuenty
Pink and Black Shadows, Tony Tesauro
Pinked Parked and Ponked, Patrick Cunningham
Plainfield, Illinois 1993, Lee J. Chapman
Plain Or Ringlets?, Timothy Craig
Poem For The Left Hand, Timothy Craig
Poets Lifeblood, Sandra Castellan
Poinsettia, Bill Hennessey
Politics Of The Palate, Larry Turner
Pondering a Grey Area, Ellyn Ong
Pondering Jesus, Susan Trestrail
Pop Anthropology, Heidi Mees
Porcupine Pods, James M. Simak
Portrait, Mendy Sears
Possessed: A Yuppie Anthem, Daniel L. Lowery
Postcard Aunt, Stephanie E. Kyle
Potential Spaces, Hillary Tindle
Prairie Dock, Patricia K. Armstrong
Pretty Lady, Ruth Young
Protest Against The War, Myong Suk Suh
Pulling Away, Madeline DeRose
Purple Engine, R. Ryan Brandys
Quarrel with my Husband, Jeanne Chase
Queens Of Lost Nation, Robert X
Quite Well, Ligia Manjarres
Rabbits Whiskers and Solomon's Wives, John S. Muthyala
Radiowaves, Jack Phillips Lowe
Rainy Night, Sandra Castellan
Reaching for Hope, Monica C. Pinkerton
Reclining Nude with Appetite, J. Michael Carter
Reconciliation, Mary Lang
Reconstruction, Robert J. Parran
Recycling, Michael Puljung
Red Sky, Black Death, Christian Barrea
Reed at Four, Alison Royen
Reflections, Jenny Bylls
Reflections on the Color Blue, Carmen Manly
Relinquished, Joannie Liesenfelt
Rememberforget, David B. Ruzak
Remembering the Ink, Brian Reedy
Remembrances of Grass Fields and Ball Games in the Sun, Michael Sarafin
Renovation, Sean Hurst
Representing Ruth: An Actress's Plan for A Raisin in the Sun, Rachel Hillebrand
Requiem, Pat Brown
Requiem: for Hrand Arakilian, Larry Turner
Revenge, Kat Zeman
Revenge of the Sock Monster, Bernadette Wubbel
Ring Binder, Serena Niensted
Ritual, Kym McCord
Robert Dixon-Kolar reads "Elegy for the Native Guards" by Natasha Trethewey, Robert Dixon-Kolar
Robert Moorehead Reads Selections from Dreams From My Father: A Story of Race and Inheritance by Barack Obama, Robert Moorehead
Rock Talk, Patricia Armstrong
Rock Tripe, Patricia K. Armstrong
Rooms Exhibit Georgia O'Keefe, Emily Suchomski
Rough Draft, David Mcgrath
Sacrament of Tea, Tara Kelly Wallworth
Sadly, I Understand, Gabriel Guzman
Safari, Nicolette Augustyn
Sally, Louise A. Shepard
Salve, Magistra, Mary Wren Small
Sanctuary at Paul's House, Daniel M. Gannon
Sandcastles, Joanne Hampe
Saying The Words, Tod Harper
Science Fiction, Robert Chasteen
Seagulls in the Suburbs, Margaret T. Segal
Season, William J. Riley
Second Thoughts, M.J. Bressler
Secret, Kathleen Keenan
Secrets, Mary Lowry
Seeing Through Your Eyes, Natalie McKenty
See You Later, Brian Reedy
Self Portrait, Susan Schubert
Self-Portrait, Mary S. Takaoka
Self-Portrait, Sandy Castellan
Self Portrait 2018, Hannah Davis
Self Portrait #4, Ann Stotts
Self Portrait Series Number One, Christine McGrath
"Senior" Undergrad, John J. Gordon
Serena's Writing Poetry!, Mil Riese
Sestina 1: eyes building secret concrete, fleeting years, Timothy Plocinski
Seven Minutes (for Melissa), Ronald J. De Marco
Seventh Grade Math, Nim Patel
Sewing Drawer, Molly Miklosz
Shadow Maker, David McGrath
Shame, Ellyn Ong
Shark's Tooth, Larry Turner
She Eagle, Carmen Manly
Sheep & Window Light, Sandra Castellan
Shelter, Paul Sorenson
Shelving Memories, Lisa N. Libman
Shoes, Tony Tesauro
Show, Emily Suchomski
Shy, Lauren Krigas
Silent Dancer, Mary T. Michaels
Simon Says, "It's Morning Sickness.", Kristina Zaremba
Sister, Paul Sorenson
Sister, Original Spirit, Andrea Coutu
Skull, S. Gayle Stevens
Sleeping Beauty, Beverlee Verner
Sleepwork, Maureen Tolman Flannery
Slow Down, Heather Anderson
Small Bites, Eleanor Zilius
Small Town Girl, Meredith Brand
Snow! Snow!, Avanella Jeffers
Solitude, Amy Decelles
Somali Cat, Pat Brown
Somebody, Arlene Harting
Some kind of Grave, Kamil David Leoniuk
Song Alone, Donna Pucciani
Song For Childhood, Henry Meyer
Sonnet for Lisa, Timothy Craig
Soul Mates, Pamela Dujlouich
South-Bound Freight, David Richard
Sparkles, Serena Niensted
Spatial Analysis--First Floor, David Leary, Mark Clary, and Mark O'Bryan
Speaking in Italics, Gregg Shapiro
Spin Control, Joe Lewis
Spirit: Stallion of the Symphony, Colleen Cavanaugh
Splendid Isolation: A Narrative Essay of American Proxemics, Robert Chasteen
Spring, Eric Potter
Spring Camp, Bruce W. Maki
Spring Mud, Claire Slepicka
Squares #1, Harry Sidebotham
Stabat Mater, Ann Stotts
Standing strong against the current, Richard Voss
Stanley Kubrick -- Auteur, Adriana Magda
Stare Way, Gregory T. Rajsky
Stars of New Mexico, Jon Ruffolo
State Line, Les McReynolds
Station to Freedom or Illegal Secrecy, Heidi Scheleski
Stillborn, Brian Wisniewski
Still Life, James M. Simak
Still Life, Ann Marie Stotts
Still-life With Zinfandel Bottle, Judy Gustafson
Stone Angels, L.E. Wilson
Storms Over the Prairie, Francis Keller
Strawberry, Sandra Castellan
Stray, Fredericka Krauss Howard
Student: Wendy, Kathleen Ward and R. Ryan Brandys
Sugar Island, Rebecca Lambrecht
Suits Me, B.T. Lehn
Sulky Pond, Carmen Elliot
Summer City, John Matthews
summers in, A. R.
Summerstill, JoAnne Brotman-Smith
Sun Circle, Joseph P. Mahony
Sun City, Kenn Hartmann
Sunday Afternoons, Molly Miklosz
Sunday Morning, Kathleen Keenan
Sunday Morning Hymn of Thanksgiving, Elizabeth Dreiser Johnson
Sunday Service, Joseph Johnson
Sunset Winterhorn, Julie Schuster
Surrender, Katie Keierleber
Surrounded, Anne Hansen
Survival (4-4-92), Mark Milligan
Susannah and the Elders, Ann Maureen Stotts
Symmetrical Living, David Mayhew
System Crash, Leslie Aileen Ross
Taken For Granted, Karen Fink
Take Note, Larry Turner
Taking Care, Jane Scoville
Tanka, Katie Keierleber
Taos Eclipse, Jeanne Chase
Tapestry, Pat Brown
Tasks For Wise Men, Larry Turner
Taste the Red Garden, Mary Ryder-Swanson
Tear, Debbie VanDusen
Teller of Wild West Tales, Carl E. Lind
That's The Way It Should Be, Leona Fallows
That's What Momma Used To Say, Sara E. Allen
The Abdication, David Magdziarz
The Adobe Hut, Emily Suchomski
The Ancient Land of Living, Michael Miklinski
The Artist and His Ego, David Beeching
The Beach, James Cassidy
The Best Medium for Relationships, Corrie True
The Big Cat, Jim Ketchum
The Blind, Raymond Noceda
The Brothers, Meraj Sami
The Cancer Nurse Drops By On The Afternoon Of The Day He Was Told He Had It, Jane Scoville
The Conductors - Editorial Staff
The Crow, Larissa Czaja
The Days Have All Left Us, Rebecca Lambrecht
The Day That Never Happened, Joshua Ziemann
The Deserted Park, Richard Calisch
The Devil's Whore, Glen Brown
The Drone: The Impact on Civil and Criminal Concern, Ross Failla
The Drought, John Speiden
the dwindling, Larry Turner
The Early Hour, Susan A. Davin
The Echoes of Pisa, Jeanne Pachaly
The Effect of Tallgrass Prairie Burning on Soil Chemistry and Raphanus sativus, Vanessa Hadweh-Smith
The End, Michael W. Rush
The Exile, Timothy Craig
The Farmer's Dog, Claire Slepicka
The Far Shore, Pat Brown
The Fight for Black Gold: How Foreign Interference Sparked the Iranian Revolution, Emily Malchow
The First Night of Poetry Class, Patrick Brown
The First Real Goodbye, Alexandra Sloane
The First Scolding, Michael Burke
The Fish, Thomas Straza
The Front Porch, Marge Golaszewski
The Frozen Hillside, Marge Golaszewski
The Funeral, Helen G. Reed
The Garden Tender, Steve Mayfield
The Gift, John Ponzio
The Good Witch, Ann M. Stotts
The Grey of Winter Long, Carl L. Sandquist
The Healing, Jane Scoville
The Hidden, Audrey Van Kirk
The Homecomin' Dance, Brenda Zohner
The Hope of Miracles, Kathleen Shumon
The Horsetrader's Daughter, Rosemary Formolo
The Humidity, David Thomas
The Hunter, Michael W. Rush
The industrial revolution was the force behind the New Imperialism, Deyna Parvanova
The In-laws, Glen Brown
The Lady With Cats, Ann Stotts
The Last Days of the Loneliest Woman, John Grey
The Late Show, Michael J. Sarafin Jr.
The Mannequin, Judy Hockett
The Mellifluous of M, Joan Katai
The Newspaper Man, Glen H. Brown
The Night of Santa Ines, Ana Nascimento
The Nina, The Pinta, and the Santa Maria
The Onlooker's Declamation, Robert Georgalas
The Only Life I Completely Know Performed in Chronological Order, Michael Golden Carroso
The Optimist, David Magdziarz
The Oracle, Jan Ord
The Other, Nancy Jean Carrigan
The Outcast, Jim Ketchum
The Parable of John, L.V. Lagnow
The Perpetual Singularity of Experience, Glen H. Brown
The Person Who I Am, Patricia Ochoa
The Pianist, Curt Clendenin
The Plastic Deep-Sea Diver, Robert Parran
The Playground, Rebecca Lambrecht
The Poet's Aneurysm (The Final Overthought), Robert J. Parran
The Puddle, John J. Gordon
The Question Of A Lunatic, John Speiden
The Railroad Worker, Chris Avgeris
There Are No Answers, Michael Burke
There Goes the Bride, Joyce Guzzardo
The Rise of the Chicago Police Department : Class and Conflict, 1850-1894, Sam Mitrani
The Rites of Spring, Tania Blanco
The River's The Place To Be, Olga Grush
The Roar Of Energy, Arty Horino
The Rockies, Beth Peluso
The Roofer, Jean Stonesifer
The Save, Joe Lewis
The Scarlet Tanager, Rosemary Formolo
The Secret, Jeff Cook
The Secret to Finding Enjoyment in a Service Learning Class, Tamara kruic
These Times We Live In, Paul Sorenson
The Shore, Eileen M. Ward
The Slide Rule, Gregg Shapiro
The Sniper, Altho A. Allen Jr
The Snowball, Joannie Liesenfelt
The Spectre of Erotic Love, David Magdziarz
The Spinster, Marilyn Pollock
The Start, Michael McAninch
The Strip is Just One Street, Kathleen Swain
The Sunflower, Victoria M. Jackson
The sun is melting, Joe Lewis
The Things My Said, Martin E. Swinney Jr.
The Truth of It, Jane Scoville
The Unseen Model, Serena Niensted
The Veteran and the Victor, Michael Raia
The Villas, Dorothy J. Zellmer
The Visit, Eileen M. Ward
The Way of Willows, Freyda Libman
The Wide Eyed, Nissa Holtkamp
The Widow Paris, Margaret Szczekocki
The Woman, Sophia Zezulak
The World Ends And I Began, Alana Sadah
They, Sara Ann Schaub
They Say She Says it Hurts When She Breathes, Janyce Hamilton
This Bed, Dan Joyce
This Fisher King and Drugstore Wall, Laura Jirsa
This House Weeps, Jason O'Donnell
This is I, Hamlet the Dane, Jack Hayward
This Love, Teri Winnie
This morning, Jennifer Bleuel
This Old Man, Kathleen Keenan
Thorns, James M. Simak
Thoughtless Dribble, Jennifer Hrncirik
Time, Wendy Pierobon
Time, Donna Marie Juneau
Timeless Lessons, Erin Gordon
Tinkerwarp, Bruce Harris
Title Page, Robert Lundin
Title Page - Drawing, Steve Howard
Title Page - Photograph, Robert H.J. Rivoire
Title Page - "Seasonal Dreams"
To Arlette, Timothy Craig
To Fly, Michael Raia
To Her Living Vessel, Matthew Kovich
To Mamang: A Farewell, Suzanne Mendiola
Tom Swift in Hell, Timothy Craig
To My Child, Asleep, Deborah E. Ryel
To My Wife Juanita, Robert X
Toothless, Sarah Horn
Tootie, V. Cramer
Tootie Cat, Venus Cramer
Train Stations Need Pencil Sharpeners, Jenny McBride
Traveling Together, Jane Scoville
Tree, Tony Tesauro
Tree & Ice, 2, Robert H.J. Rivoire
Triangle Motel, Galena, Robert H.J. Rivoire
Tsk, Tsk, Marilyn Pollock
Turkey Farm Near Calumet City, David A. Smith
Twilight, Jeanne Pachaly
Twilight Magic, Porter Pearson
Two Old Friends, Marilyn Huntman Giesto
Uffizi Museum, Florence, Kathleen Keenan
Under Observation, Kathleen Keenan
Une Femme Au Chapeau Avec Chien, Joe Benigni
Unsocial Media, Bill Gill
Untitled, Amanda Crane
Untitled, Kathy Davies
Untitled, Kathy Davies
Untitled, Chris Hield
Untitled, Michelle Toms
Untitled, Elizabeth Tovar
Untitled, Christopher Yoon
Untitled, Bruce MacMartin
Untitled, Gina Arnieri
Untitled, Bruce MacMartin
Untitled, Gina Arnieri
Untitled, Neil Huffman
Untitled, Neil Huffman
Untitled, Neil Huffman
Untitled, Neil Huffman
Untitled, Neil Huffman
Untitled, Tony Tesauro
Untitled, Heather Ostlund
Untitled, Neil Huffman
Untitled, Tony Tesauro
Untitled, James C. Simak
Untitled, Noah Boudreau
Untitled, Neil Huffman
Untitled, Neil Huffman
Untitled, Neil Huffman
Untitled, Marcine LaFountain
Untitled, Neil Huffman
Untitled, Neil Huffman
Untitled, Neil Huffman
Untitled, Rebecca Lambrecht
Untitled, Neil Huffman
Untitled, Neil Huffman
Untitled, Diane Doude
Untitled, Sarah Bambacht
Untitled, Chris Clark
Untitled, Mike Benes
Untitled, Sheri Suddarth
Untitled, Sheri Suddarth
Untitled, Sheri Suddarth
Untitled, Lisa Tripp
Untitled, Sheri Suddarth
Untitled, Margaret Berg
Untitled, Sheri Suddarth
Untitled, Sheri Suddarth
Untitled, Lisa Tripp
Untitled, Sheri Suddarth
Untitled, Sheri Suddarth
Untitled, Sheri Suddarth
Untitled, Sheri Suddarth
Untitled, Sheri Suddarth
Untitled, Tony Tesauro
Untitled, Sheri Suddarth
Untitled, Cynthia Warso
Untitled, Bob Rivoire
Untitled, Kirk A. Williamson
Untitled, Robert Gruenwald
Untitled, Herbert Gustin
Untitled, Bob Rivoire
Untitled, Bob Rivoire
Untitled, Bob Rivoire
Untitled, Bob Rivoire
Untitled, Gala M. Pierce
Untitled, Bob Rivoire
Untitled, Angel Nance
Untitled, Bob Rivoire
Untitled, Terri Locke
Untitled, Terri Locke
Untitled, Laura Jakubowski
Untitled, Geno *
Untitled, Geno *
Untitled, Pete Dederick
Untitled, Terri Locke
Untitled, Geno *
Untitled, Jane Williams
Untitled, S. Gayle Stevens
Untitled, Jane Williams
Untitled, Herb Gethin
Untitled, Robert H.J. Rivoire
Untitled, George Dandan Jr.
Untitled, John W. Lewis
Untitled, Richard Meaderdes Jr.
Untitled, George Dandan Jr.
Untitled, Vickiann Fertitta
Untitled, Laura Kadashaw
Untitled, John W. Lewis
Untitled, Dave Spleha
Untitled, Dave Spleha
Untitled, Richard Meaderdes Jr.
Untitled, Margaret Anderson
Untitled, Susan Bondi
Untitled, Jane Arnold
Untitled, Karin Simonsen
Untitled, Debbie Maxwell
Untitled, Clare Mertz
Untitled, David Spleha
Untitled, Craig Andrews
Untitled, Sharon LeBrun
Untitled, David Spleha
Untitled, Christina Madden
Untitled, Tom Montgomery-Fate
Untitled, Dawn Kunselmann
Untitled, Dave Brieske
Untitled, Tom Montgomery-Fate
Untitled, Cindy Lee
Untitled, Amit Barson
Untitled, Carroll Mollman
Untitled, Jodi Radek
Untitled, Katy Y. Liang
Untitled, Fred Radek
Untitled, Jackye Revely
Untitled, David E. Olson
Untitled, Dave Spleha
Untitled, Karen Hall
Untitled, Scott Goble
Untitled, Blaine G. Ryan
Untitled, Kimberly Korcha
Untitled, Andy Ostrowski
Untitled, Mark Lawrence
Untitled, Alysia Nicholas
Untitled, William R. Montgomery
Untitled, Carol Mollman
Untitled, David Roback
Untitled, R.O. Ketman
Untitled, Kris Jatczak
Untitled, Marlene Dellan
Untitled, Katy Y. Liang
Untitled, Tom Montgomery
Untitled, Joan Crawford
Untitled, Venus Cramer
Untitled, Matthew Mullen
Untitled, Flora Carla Caputo
Untitled, Karl E. Lanier
Untitled, Jodi Radek
Untitled, Michael Massow
Untitled, Laura J. Novak
Untitled, Blaine G. Ryan
Untitled, Joannie Liesenfelt
Untitled, Arthur R. Hanson
Untitled, Debbie Bauer
Untitled, Bill Whitworth
Untitled, Andy Ostrowski
Untitled, Dan Levit
Untitled, Victoria A. Lang
Untitled, Ann Torralba
Untitled, R.O. Ketman
Untitled, Laura Jakubowski
Untitled, Michael Bell
Untitled, Rita Rosales
Untitled, Joel Roberts
Untitled, Michael Van De Warker
Untitled, Thomas Horvat
Untitled, Cindy Lee
Untitled, Joe Ohlinger
Untitled, Gina Cook
Untitled, John Louis Steen
Untitled, Ed Balchowsky
Untitled, Debbie Ebert
Untitled, John A. Cortez
Untitled, Trang Nguyen
Untitled, Andy Ostrowski
Untitled, Jenny Michelotti
Untitled, Catherine Potter
Untitled, Steve Vena
Untitled, Joseph Barillari
Untitled, Steven Langerock
Untitled, Dan Levit
Untitled, Robert Ramsay
Untitled, Venus Cramer
Untitled, Alysia Nicholas
Untitled, Dan Gannon
Untitled, Cindy Lee
Untitled, Cindy Lee
Untitled, Eve Bennett
Untitled, Bradley Weber
Untitled, Venus Cramer
Untitled, Donna J. Rasinski
Untitled, Joannie Liesenfelt
Untitled, Richard L. Anthoney
Untitled, Nadine Mungai
Untitled, Micheal Dunn
Untitled, John Davis
Untitled, Kristine Risvold
Untitled, John Davis
Untitled, James Emmerson
Untitled, Sheri LaBrose
Untitled, Andy Ostrowski
Untitled, Amy Burwick
Untitled, Nancy Klier
Untitled, Andy Ostrowski
Untitled, Venus Cramer
Untitled, Nancy J. Marshall
Untitled, Tamara Fox
Untitled, David J. Olson
Untitled, Carl Kerstann
Untitled, Kathleen Keenan
Untitled, Syed Ahsan Imam
Untitled, Dawn Koyzis
Untitled, Kathy Michelfelder
Untitled, Jeanine Anzalone
Untitled, Jeanine Anzalone
Untitled, Daniel Levit
Untitled, Larry Turner
Untitled, Michael Dunn
Untitled, Kathy Michelfelder
Untitled, Andy Ostrowski
Untitled, Bev Janoski
Untitled, Amy Burwick
Untitled, Kathy Michelfelder
Untitled, Thomas Buehl
Untitled, Elizabeth Frances Hayes
Untitled, David J. Olson
Untitled, Elizabeth Frances Hayes
Untitled, George Vincent
Untitled, Jeri Pallardy
Untitled, Darrell Collins
Untitled, Jim Ketchum
Untitled, Kimberly Trusik
Untitled, Jim Ketchum
Untitled, David Hackney
Untitled, Andy Ostrowski
Untitled, Kimberly Trusik
Untitled, Wally Warfield
Untitled, William J. Muller
Untitled, Jessica Romero
Untitled, Robin Osmond
Untitled, Maribeth Roskam
Untitled, Mark Puc
Untitled, Andy Ostrowski
Untitled, Katy Liang
Untitled, David J. Olson
Untitled, Victoria Lang
Untitled, Andy Ostrowski
Untitled, Teresa Fehrenbach
Untitled, Jim Ketchum
Untitled, David J. Olson
Untitled, Katy Liang
Untitled, Cindy Endre
Untitled, Kristina Breiseth
Untitled, David Field
Untitled, David Field
Untitled, John Moles
Untitled, John Moles
Untitled, Lynette Armbrust
Untitled, Don Dame
Untitled, Kathleen Keenan
Untitled, Katy Liang
Untitled, Claude M. Riendeau
Untitled, Bill McGuffey
Untitled, George Luvisi Jr.
Untitled, Jean Barban
Untitled, Jean Barban
Untitled, Jean Barban
Untitled, George Luvisi Jr.
Untitled, Maribeth Roskam
Untitled, George Luvisi Jr.
Untitled, Charlene Lee
Untitled, Jean Barban
Untitled, Claude M. Riendeau
Untitled, Miles E. Davis
Untitled, Jean Barban
Untitled, Claude M. Riendeau
Untitled, Kim Koskela
Untitled, Andy Hayman
Untitled, Andy Hayman
Untitled, Marty Norpel
Untitled, Melvin Gatch
Untitled, Marty Norpell
Untitled, Andy Hayman
Untitled #1, Nancy Balling
Untitled 2, Amanda Crane
Untitled Character, Christopher Yoon
Upon Finishing a Short Story and Thinking About My Life, Anthony Opal
Upstairs/Downstairs, Jean Nagel Stonesifer
Up to the Moon and Past the Stars, Matt Court
Vanished Without A Trace, Andrew Judge
Vignettes at Dusk, Glen H. Brown
Vin Tully Mons., Jim Radzom
Voluptuous Women, Glen Brown
Waiting, Justine M. Kawalek
Waiting for Kathi, Jane Barnes
Waiting for the Light to Change, Mendy Sears
Walking Down M.G. Road, T. Ilango
Walking On Sunshine, Geno *
Walking Past Midnight, Robert Chasteen
Wallace Really Said, Ann Maureen Stotts
Wanderlust, Matthew Kovich
Warm Bed, Anna E. Tanka
Warranty Intact, Brian Reedy
Warrior Princess, Robin Liefeld
Wasted to Wasteless, Dan Berner
Watching My Daughter Fly on the Floor, Glen H. Brown
Weathered Fair View, Christopher Schmitt
Wedding Poem (for a sister at marriage), Jason Snart
Welcome to Your World, George Whittington
well past midnight, Rick Anthoney
Well, Use It or Lose It, Robert Ramsay
What Did You Notice First?, Alyssa Alhert
What is the Value of Creative Works of Art to a Society, Ashley Gonzalez
When Baby Swallowed the Moon, Cele Bona
When I Open My Mouth Nothing Comes Out, Ursula L. Jay
When Light Gleams, Mardelle Fortier
When Nothing Else Is Left, Stephen L. Secker
When Things Fall Apart, Can We Keep Going?, Julie P. Center
When Time Moves On, Alana Sadah
Where Were You, Shawn Spurlock
Whispers From My Past, Trinity Hamilton
Whispers of the Golden Rod and I, Louise O'Donovan
White Dress-Shirt Holy Ghost, Robert J. Parran
White Negligee, Ann Stotts
White Tile, Mark Rake
White Water, Carl E. Lind
Who Cares About The Martians, Why Is Her Head So Big?, Curt Clendenin
Why I Fish, Erik Humbert
Wildflower Series #1, Nancy Balling
Wind and Steel, Brent Ohlmann
Windowsill, Judy Hockett
Windy Leaves, Jenny McBride
Winter Thoughts, Mil Riese
Wishing, Jay J. Kaylin
Without Hope, Monica C. Pinkerton
Woman Next Door, Dan Joyce
Wondersnow, Dorothy J. Zellmer
Wooden Shingles, Charles Lydon Harrell
Woodridge Park Bridge, Francis Yezek
Writer's Block, Rich Sirovatka
XX-XY fatal attraction of the Cromosomes, Gabriel E. Vargas
Yankees 2, White Sox 1, Bob Georgalas
Yellow Jello Telephone, Jay J. Kaylin
Yellow Mellow Moon, Olga Grush
Yo' Problem, Dion Shaw
You Can Never Be Too Careful, Richard Muegge
You I Watched, Jennifer Haywood
Zeroes, Richard Zabransky
Ziggurat, Pete Cholewinski