
The Courier

Volume 1, Issue 24 (1968)

Issue Highlights


Nixon Wins Here, McCarthy Tops U.S. College Poll

Students Petition Edge Coffee House for Membership

Senate Bans Student Speakers, OK Permanent Activity Cards

A College Parable: The Uninvolved Majority

Why Demonstrations?

College Adds 8 New Faculty for Fall Quarter

Twin Coeds Double the Odds

Pundit Goes To Work, Spoofs Are Ghastly


Maria Stanga

Roselinde Stanga



The Courier, Volume 1, Issue 24, May 16, 1968
The Courier, College of DuPage

Publication Personnel

T. Dennis O'Sullivan
Sports Editor
Scott Betts
Chief Photographer
Jim Cmolik
Advertising Manager
Randy Haas
Faculty Advisor
Gordon Richmond

Contact The Courier staff at: https://codcourier.org/about