
The Courier

Volume 1, Issue 5 (1967)

Issue Highlights


Student Activities Budget Set at $47,750

Student Election Humdrum Affair, Only 52 Show

Reception Sunday for President Berg in Student Center

College Rowdies Mar Furniture at Lyons Lounge

History: A Key to Understanding Our World

County Library Plan Studied

College Students Must Observe Lyons Dress Code

DuPage Concert Choir Sets High Standard

Credit Cards Are In, Says Chicago Banker, Food, Lodging Class Demands Book Work, On-Job Training, Too

5 Students to Attend Peoria College Meet

Golfers Take Regional Title


Bernard Stone

Russ Whitacre

Tim West

Bob Cowan

Kym Frischkorn

Carl Lambert

Edward Martin



Publication Personnel

Donna Boerste
Terry O'Sullivan
Copy Editor
Bonnie Robertson
Chief Photographer
James Margetts
Makeup Editor
Robert Cowan
Sports Editor
Edward Olson
Advertising Manager
Randy Haas

Contact The Courier staff at: https://codcourier.org/about