The Courier
Volume 12, Issue 11 (1979)
Issue Highlights
Bill To Aid Middle Income Students
SG Finds ‘Right’ Constitution, Also Plans To Impeach Bagley
Possibilities Cool For Hot Food In A
New Building Priority Up A Notch, Says Tilton
Student/Parent Co-op Alive Another Quarter
People:Dan Bagley
Austin Fleming
The Courier, Volume 12, Issue 11, January 4, 1979
The Courier, College of DuPage
Editorial Staff
- Editor
- Dan Faust
- Managing Editor
- Criss VanLoon
- Photo Editor
- Darin VanWitzenburg
- Sports Editor
- Pete Garvey
- Circulation Manager
- Ben Eaton
- Cartoonist
- Art Dane
- Copyreaders
- Mark Plotkowski
- Kathy Root
- Faculty Advisor
- Gordon Richmond
Contact The Courier staff at: