
The Courier

Volume 17, Issue 21 (1984)

Issue Highlights


Arts Center Injunction Dies But Dispute Lives On

Petition To Save Arboretum Backed By SG

SG Elections To Be Held Next Week

Microcomputer Lab Coming Soon To LRC

‘Habits’ --Some Tolerable, Some Not (Bad Habits)

Men's Tennis Squad Takes Region IV Title

Track Teams Take Championships


Bon Strum

Tony Rizzo

Suzanne Kobasa

Sharman Thuren

Laura Lindsey

Dawn Capecci

Eric Ruff

Kevin Benac



The Courier, Volume 17, Issue 21, May 11, 1984
The Courier, College of DuPage

Editorial Staff

Sheryl McCabe
Managing Editor
Allen Deasy
Sports Editor
Mike Considine
Photo Editor
Brian O’Mahoney
Art Editor
Bob Dvorak
Business/advertising Manager
Paul Goodman
Chris Aiello, Julie Bridge, Paul Goodman, Keith Lippoldt, Margurita Mei, Steve Milano, Geri Mills, John O’Leary, Dave Pacanowski, Steve Savaglio, Gary Schlueter, Eric Semelroth, Mary Spurgeon, Ann Stotts, Scott Tomkowiak, Kathleen Woltzen
James J. Nyka

Contact The Courier staff at: https://codcourier.org/about