
The Courier

Volume 2, Issue 28 (1969)

Issue Highlights


ASB Votes Disapproval of House Bill 12-11

Only One Interim Building Ready in June

Student Profile

Center Closed--Woods Now Favored

College Potential Draws French Educators Here

Implications ‘68 Uses Criterion of Good Taste, Not Hypocrisy

Why The ‘Over 25’ Come

Pass-Fail Flunks

HEW Secretary Warns of Campus Unrest Laws

Campus Slang (Hunk...Pits...Tuff) Is Ever-Changing Language


Caron Madsen

Larry Lemkau

Thom O’Donnell



The Courier, Volume 2, Issue 28, May 22, 1969
The Courier, College of DuPage

Publication Personnel

Steve Morse
Editorial Page Editor
Scott Betts
Sports Editor
Terry Kopitke
Business Manager
Tom Murphy
Circulation Manager
James Burdon
Chief Photographer
Timothy O’Leary
Faculty Advisor
Gordon Richmond

Contact The Courier staff at: https://codcourier.org/about