
The Courier

Volume 25, Issue 23 (1992)

Issue Highlights


Candidate Claims Petition Forged

State Grant Question On Spring Ballot

Human Relations Course Mandated

SGA Shows Campaign Commercial

L.A. Violence Gets Varied Reactions

Students Shocked By Verdict And Rioting

History Major Knows How King, Others Feel

Instructor Witnesses Regrouping Of Ex-Communist Country

’West Side Story’ Mirrors Today's Gang Violence


Michael Beavers

Nomaan Aziz

Rodney King

Fred Hombach

Carol Riphenburg

Steve Hanson

Erich Buchholz

Kelly Kukoved



The Courier, Volume 25, Issue 23, May 8, 1992
The Courier, College of DuPage

Editorial Staff

Editor In Chief
Susan Polay
News Editor
Will Hacker
Arts & Entertainment Editor
Tammy Stroh
Sports Editor
Arun Khosla
Photo Editor
E. Altman Terry
Art Director
Fred Moss
Advertising Manager
Joanna Del Gallo
Catherine M. Stablein

Contact The Courier staff at: https://codcourier.org/about