
The Courier

Volume 25, Issue 4 (1991)

Issue Highlights


13 Hopefuls Aim For Student Senate

CD Welcomes 500,000th

Board Candidates Debate The Issues

Rhyming Dave Rudolf Sings For Kids At Heart

Sexist Issues Excusable With Mozart (Cosi Fan Tutti)

Soccer Becomes First Undefeated Team In CD History


Ana Alfaro

Laura Jakubowski

Dave Rudolf

David Brown


Editorial Staff

Editor In Chief
Will Hacker
News Editor
Kevin Smith
Features Editor
Susan Polay
Arts & Entertainment Editor
Gail Sonkin
Sports Editor
Arun Khosla
Photo Editor
E. Altman Terry
Art Director
Michael J. Page
Advertising Manager
Joanna Del Gallo
Catherine M. Stablein

Contact The Courier staff at: https://codcourier.org/about