The Courier
Volume 26, Issue 3 (1992)
Issue Highlights
SGA "Meet The Candidates" Senate Election Forum Set
Changes In The AA And AS Degree Requirements
Students Given 50/50 Control Of The Student Activities Fund
CD Wonders If Bush Campaign Will Visit
Sparks Fly At Criminal Violence Forum
Effects Of Hurricane Andrew Felt Close To People In Food Services
Lady Chaps Advance To Nationals
Golfers Par Into Nationals
People:Pat Spencer
Carol Riphenburg
Dwayne Gray
The Courier, Volume 26, Issue3, October 16, 1992
The Courier, College of DuPage
Editorial Staff
- Editor In Chief
- Scott Sherrin
- News/Features Editor
- Jon Krenek
- Arts & Entertainment Editor
- Jennifer Marrs
- Sports Editor
- Prashant J. Sampat
- Photo Editor
- Emma Anzalone
- Art Director
- Fred Moss
- Advertising Manager
- Joanna Del Gallo
- Advisor
- Catherine M. Stablein
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