The Courier
Volume 3, Issue 25 (1970)
Issue Highlights
Subpoena White Panthers After Student Complaint
Editor Stays as Senneke Bid to Transfer Quarterly Money Fails
Volunteers to Help Build Softball Fields
Track Queen Candidates
Second Proposed Publicity Code Announced
Students to March 30 Miles for Hunger Campaign
Bruce Senneke
Marie Grindal
Joe DeVito
The Courier, Volume 3, Issue 25, April 30, 1970
The Courier, College of DuPage
Publications Personnel
- Editor and Business Manager
- Robert Baker
- City Editor
- Randy Meline
- Sports Editor
- Richard Goettler
- Photo Editor
- Charles Andelbradt
- Copy Editor
- Robert Blanford
- Auto Editor
- H.L. Perina
- Staff Artists
- Joe DiVito
- Phil Frankly
- John Miller
- Faculty Advisor
- Gordon Richmond
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