
The Courier

Volume 30, Issue 3 (1996)

Issue Highlights


SGA Prepares For Senatorial Elections

Board Working On Policy For Naming College Facilities

On Campus Vs. Off Campus Bookstores

Associate Dean Offers Alternative To Driving

BTE Performs A One-Act Thriller Parody (“The Real Inspector Hound”)


John Dusik

Michelle Piersall

Sandretta Barber

Earl McGuire

Ward Churchill

John Modschiedler

Cynthia Cordes

Janet McLaughlin

Ameet Patel

Katie Ryan

Missi Seelinger


Courier Editorial Board

Editor In Chief
Chris LaFortune
Features Editor
Brian Bradley
Arts & Entertainment Editor
Vicki VandenBos
Sports Editor
Asim Iftekhar
Photo Editor
Bill Griffin
Art Director
Cuitla Huezo
Internet Editor
Carolyn Frankovich
Advertising Manager
Joanne Leone
Courier Advisor
Catherine M. Stablein

Contact The Courier staff at: https://codcourier.org/about