
The Courier

Volume 31, Issue 16 (1998)

Issue Highlights


Wellness Fair Sends Message

Student Trustee Candidates To Speak During Public Forum

President Murphy Visits Born-Again Task Force

Student Assistants Awarded For Hard Work

“The Jerry Springer Show” Draws A Crowd

How To Become A Great Coach–Coach Earl Reed Shares His Knowledge With His Women’s Team


Michael Murphy

Sue Johnson

Jack White

Tim Gray

Earl Reed

Tammy Smith

Teresa Hill

David Steward


Courier Editorial Board

Editor In Chief
Katie Underwood
News Editor
Jill Leahy
Entertainment Editor
Matt Vandenbroek
Sports Editor
Herb Lawrence
Photo Editor
Alex Gorfinkel
Production Editor
Bryan Odom
Advertising Manager
Joanne Leone
Courier Advisor
Catherine Stablein

Contact The Courier staff at: https://codcourier.org/about