The Courier
Volume 6, Issue 13 (1973)
Issue Highlights
College Seeks FM Radio License
Occupational Field Lags in ‘Potential’
It May Be a Good Hike, Shuttle Service Proposed
Assembly Ponders College Self-Study Proposal
How an NIU Professor Sees Us
People:Harold Greenwald
Larry Aperson
Richard Finholt
William Doster
The Courier, Volume 6, Issue 13, January 18, 1973
The Courier, College of DuPage
Publications Personnel
- Editor
- Gene Van Son
- Sports Editor
- Don Doxsie
- Photo Editor
- Mike Vendl
- Distribution Manager
- Ted Zembruski
- Advertising Managers
- Marilyn Lento
- Mark Lickteig
- Cartoonist
- Dave Holle
- Faculty Advisor
- Gordon Richmond
Contact The Courier staff at: