
The Courier

Volume 7, Issue 17 (1974)

Issue Notes & Highlights

The front page of this issue was misprinted as Issue No. 16


Parking Tax Could Pave Lots

Greenhouse Plan Needs Budget Okay

Sailor, Marine, Diver and More--Our College Vice-President Is a One-Time Dropout

Dividers Will Replace Center Smoke Screen

‘Butler’ Says We’re All Mad (What the Butler Saw)

Swimmers in Nationals Today

DuPage Wins State Hockey Title


John Paris

Steve Elliot

Carl Lambert


Publications Personnel

Chuck Maney
Assignment Editor
Gigi Arthur
Sports Editor
Steve Pierce
Advertising Manager
Mary Chennell
Photo Editor
Bill Bork
Faculty Advisor
Gordon Richmond

Contact The Courier staff at: https://codcourier.org/about