
The Courier

Volume 7, Issue 26 (1974)

Issue Highlights


Faculty Upset by Small Pay Hike

Board Cool To Sports Complex Bid

Activities Budget ‘Excessive’, Dean Tells SLAB Meeting

Self-Study Survey--Find Strong Apathy for C/D Services, Activities

Panel Unsure If TV Violence Harmful to Children

Erlenborn Says Exact Charges Needed in Impeachment Talk


Dick Petrizzo

John Erlenborn

Karen Pauli



The Courier, Volume 7, Issue 26, May 9, 1974
The Courier, College of DuPage

Publications Personnel

Chuck Maney
Assignment Editor
Gigi Arthur
Sports Editor
Klaus Wolff
Advertising Manager
Mary Chennell
Photo Editor
Scott Burket
Faculty Advisor
Gordon Richmond

Contact The Courier staff at: https://codcourier.org/about