
The Courier

Volume 8, Issue 20 (1975)

Issue Highlights


Cite Moral Issue in Foreign Affairs

College Feels Squeeze, Relocates 5 Agencies

Can ‘Organized Religion’ Reorganize Your Life?

Boiler Room Computerized, Ultra-Modern, Says Engineer

Campus Center Plans Student ‘Convenience Area’

Inflation, or Why Gasoline Is Exploding

Tuition Here 3rd Highest in State

Religion on Upswing by 19% Last Four Years

Chaps Win 5th Straight Hockey Championship!


Alex Seith

Phyllis Eisman

Ken Trout

Robert Seaton

Isabel Bedell

Berna Zeman



The Courier, Volume 8, Issue 20, March 6, 1975
The Courier, College of DuPage

Publications Personnel

John Meader
Assignment Editor
Dan Veit
Sports Editor
Klaus Wolff
Photo Editor
Scott Burket
Entertainment Editor
Dan Lassiter
Joe Parker
Advertising Manager
Barb Douglas
Production Manager
Carol Boddie
Faculty Advisor
Gordon Richmond

Contact The Courier staff at: https://codcourier.org/about