"Video Cataloging: the Basics" by Mary Konkel

Document Type

Conference Proceeding

Publication Date



This presentation covers the basics of MARC tagging and coding bibliographic records for videorecordings, with an emphasis on DVDs.


Illinois OCLC Users Group/Illinois State Library All-Day Workshop #152-1

Audience: Cataloging and Technical Services staff who have little or no experience in cataloging videos and DVDs and/or those who need a basic refresher course.

Workshop description: The workshop will cover the basics of MARC tagging and coding bibliographic records for videorecordings, with an emphasis on DVDs. Using a combination of lecture and groupwork, you will learn to identify the chief source of information, locate relevant data from the item itself, create appropriate physical descriptions, construct notes, create access points, draft summary statements, and identify the appropriate MARC tags to encode this data. Physical processing and security issues will also be briefly discussed. Hands-on class exercises will focus on popular and feature films.
