Phellodendron amurense Winter Interest
The broad habit and stout branching creates a unique winter silhouette. The large lower branches are broad spreading with the characteristic thick corky bark. The perfect tree to climb!
View MorePhellodendron amurense Special ID Feature
There are so many easy identification features on this plant – bud, leaf scar, and habit to name a few. However, the most distinctive feature is the deeply ridged and furrowed corky bark.
View MorePhellodendron amurense Whole Plant/Habit
Amur corktree is a majestic short trunked, thick barked, broad spreading tree.
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The mature bark is ash gray and deeply ridged and furrowed creating a corklike bark. Hence, the name corktree. The bark is an excellent identification feature.
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Even the large lower branches will have deep, corky bark.
View MorePhellodendron amurense Branch/Twig
The stems of Amur corktree are stout with prominent lenticels. The young stems are light tan-gray. Notice the “horseshoe” shaped leaf scar with the bud sitting down inside the “horseshoe”.
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The older stems turn brown. Notice the thickened base of the petiole (frequently called a rachis on a compound leaf) enclosing the bud.
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Notice that the petiole encloses but does not completely surround the bud. This creates a “horseshoe” shaped leaf scar.
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The buds are silky, reddish brown, and nestled into the “horseshoe” of the leaf scar. All aspects of the bud, leaf scar and stout stem qualities aid in identification.
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Amur corktree is dioecious, meaning some plants produce only female flowers and some produce only male flowers. Fruits will only form on female plants. The drupes are about the size of a blueberry, turning black when mature in fall. They...
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The leaves of Amur corktree are opposite, pinnately compound, and 10-15 inches long. Leaves are a rich dark green during the growing season. Fall color is yellow.
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A series of Plant Profiles from the HORT 2241 Landscape Plants I and HORT 2242 Landscape Plants II Master Plant Lists providing the student with images of selected plants from local sources (primarily) showing typical attributes and identification features necessary for identifying, naming and using plants in the Chicago area. The intention is to provide a valid study tool with pertinent images and information.
Julia Fitzpatrick-Cooper
Professor, Horticulture
Browse the Landscape Plants of the Chicago Area Collections:
Plant Profiles: HORT 2241 Landscape Plants I
Plant Profiles: HORT 2242 Landscape Plants II