The Prairie Light Review
Volume 17, Number 2 (1997)
Prefatory Notes
Editor's Note
Lee DiVita
Front Cover - "But now, I am found"
Mindy Evans
Diamond in the Rough
Raymond D. Miller Jr.
New Orleans Morning
Sharon Kane
Diana - not close enof
David Vancil
Solola - Market Day
Joan Kalmanek
George in the Morning
Marilyn Donovan
April 5 Fool!
Chitra Singa
Shadows on Snow
Mindy Evans
Mule Ear Daisies in the Sierras
Laura Sosnowski
Orchid Bud
Woodice Fuller
A Mountain Lake
Laura Sosnowski
Vernal Falls, Yosemite
Laura Sosnowski
Back Cover
Derek Haverland
A Mad Man's Semi-Sane Musing on Love
Arden French
My Religion
Chris _
Deer X-ing
William Marr
Stumbling Block
Lisa Huston
Mind Racer
Adam Kirby
Rebellion on a Kitchen Floor
Hedy Pajonk
Dignity Denied
Rachel Purchalski
The Harrowing Harassment of Huge Hair Hanging Over the Seat in Front of Me On An Airplane at Night
Mardelle Fortier
Matt, Age Seven, at the Museum
Robert Gockman
Funny Thing
Kristin Westergren
Mirror Mirror
Jerry Ryan
The Second Rain
Bonnie E. Farnon
The Lamppost Phenomenon
Arden French
John Pain
The Search
Donald Jordan
The Smoker
Roberta C. Stewart
My Favorite Flowers
Jenny Lauren Meyer
Sonnet for his Namesake (DuPage River, Illinois)
Glenna Holloway
A Politically-Correct Clone Song
William Marr
The Cabinet in the Far Corner
Lisa Huston
All Aboard?
Jerry Ryan
Something to Say
Linda Tamas
Growing Old; Or, Variant Graces
Chikako D. Kumamoto
A Picture for the Refrigerator
Mary Kathryn Murphy
Back Matter

Editors & Staff
- Editor
- Lee DiVita
- Co-Editor
- Jo-Ann Ledger
- Graphic Arts/Layout Editor
- Laura Sosnowski
- Editorial Staff
- Marilyn Donovan
- Joe Johnson
- John Pain
- Kristen Palmer
- Kerri Shiffler
- Nick Swanson
- Clinton Thiele
- Faculty Advisor
- Allan Carter
- The Prairie Light Review Logo Photograph
- Derek Haverland
Contact the Prairie Light Review staff at: