The Prairie Light Review
Volume 39, Number 1 (2016)
Prefatory Notes
Front Cover - "Henrietta Waits"
Tonia Jackson
Ready, Set, Fire
Jamie McCreedy
Pink Needles
Jacqueline Dye
Purple Pollen
Jacqueline Dye
Eight Tongues
Natalia Tertusio
Lilies for Mom
Marge Dady
Mother and daughter in the kitchen
Natalia Toreeva
Degas, Little Dancer
Molly Miklosz
Eye Contact
Molly Miklosz
Marge Dady
Space and Time
Marge Dady
lightning in brilliant orange cloud
Edward Varga
Unwinding Anime
Hailey Jayne
Thirty Minutes of Ink
Natalia Tertusio
Anna Akhmatova
Natalia Toreeva
Great Mind
Molly Miklosz
I Can See You
Natalia Tertusio
Face the beast within
Natalia Tertusio
Sydney Harbour Bridge, Sydney, Australia
William North
Paid Postage Stamps
Wes Solether
Iron, Awake
Wes Solether
Hemingway on the Left Bank
Mardelle Fortier
French Ice Dancers
Mardelle Fortier
Met A Girl
Tricia Whitworth
What May Be A Dream?
Alyssa Ahlert
Not even 100 letters would suffice
Uma Singh
Drunken Regret
Amy Peter
Raymond Ziemer
What did you notice first?
Alyssa Ahlert
the nightmare
Bonniejean Alford
Common Church Poem
Michael Lee Johnson
Amy Peter
Mr. Nobody
Sammy Jaber
The Modern Way
John J. Gordon
She Became Quite Bossy
Carole Mertz
Morning Reflections
Julio Guerrero
The Seasons and the Slants
Michael Lee Johnson
Love is a Home
Madeline Jefferies
Iranian Poetry Lady
Michael Lee Johnson
Foolish Time
Alexandra Kurza
Sky Full of Time
Tricia Whitworth
Mr. Squirrel's Magic Sack of Nuts
Edward Varga
The silent fart
Ballerina Mogau Ntsoanne
Back Matter

Editorial Team
- Editor-in-Chief
- Shailesh Patel
- Marketing Editor
- Lindsay Flinker
- Production Editor
- Jamie McCreedy
- Copy Editor
- Marisa
- Associate Editors
- Thania Hernandez
- Michael Perry
- Amy Peter
- Assistant Editor
- Derek Plate
- Advisor
- Trina Sotirakopulos
Contact the Prairie Light Review staff at: