
Library 2032

Event Type


Start Date

6-5-2024 8:35 PM

End Date

6-5-2024 9:15 PM


This present study intends to replicate the false consensus effect, developed from Ross, Green, and House’s original study within the Journal of Experimental Psychology. We aim to better understand the role false consensus plays within real-world situations. Utilizing a questionnaire, we presented respondents with one out of four different social scenarios. We then proceeded to ask them for percentage estimates and to indicate which of the two options they’d choose. After collecting our initial results, we went ahead with an extension of the survey to better understand factors such as demographics and entitlement attitudes. Our results from the study will be showcased during the symposium.

Faculty Sponsor: Prof. Ken Gray


May 6th, 8:35 PM May 6th, 9:15 PM

Examining The False Consensus Effect Within Social Scenarios and Entitlement Traits

Library 2032

This present study intends to replicate the false consensus effect, developed from Ross, Green, and House’s original study within the Journal of Experimental Psychology. We aim to better understand the role false consensus plays within real-world situations. Utilizing a questionnaire, we presented respondents with one out of four different social scenarios. We then proceeded to ask them for percentage estimates and to indicate which of the two options they’d choose. After collecting our initial results, we went ahead with an extension of the survey to better understand factors such as demographics and entitlement attitudes. Our results from the study will be showcased during the symposium.

Faculty Sponsor: Prof. Ken Gray