The Courier
Volume 1, Issue 13 (1968)
Issue Highlights
Mikado Performances Here March 2-3 (photos)
Honors Group Listed
Reclassification Rumor Untrue, Says Registrar
Bonnie and Clyde: Real, Just Like Their Victims
Unheralded Backstage Crew Makes Good Plays Possible, Says Actor, But Applause Is Not For Them
‘In Cold Blood’ Will Be Year’s Best, Critic Says
College Computer Has Whirlwind Answers
Kit Stanich
Betty Filson
Paul Buehl
Ed Sanderson
Cathy Solon
Mike Ford
Pete Kent
Don Preston
The Courier, Volume 1, Issue 13, February 15, 1968
The Courier, College of DuPage
Publication Personnel
- Co-Editors
- Donna Boerste
- Terry O'Sullivan
- Sports Editor
- Scott Betts
- Advertising Manager
- Randy Haas
- Faculty Advisor
- Gordon Richmond
Contact The Courier staff at: