The Courier
Volume 2, Issue 23 (1969)
Issue Highlights
’Consultation’ Discusses Religion’s Role in College
Jam Session Acclaimed in 5-Hour Debut
SG Campaigns Finish Their Final Week
218 Win Academic Honor
With A West Compass, You’re Headed for Laughs
‘Kismet’ A Groovy Cinderella Story
Five Paintings Stolen from Student Center
D.A.P. Platform
S.U.G. Platform
Now About This Matter of Student Faculty Complaints…
Estimate 10,000 to Walk for Development from Willowbrook
Swimmers Get Option on Term Paper
John Belushi
Steve Beshakas
Laurie Benz
Tino Insana
The Courier, Volume 2, Issue 23, April 17, 1969
The Courier, College of DuPage
Publication Personnel
- Editor
- Steve Morse
- Editorial Page Editor
- Scott Betts
- Sports Editor
- Terry Kopitke
- Business Manager
- Tom Murphy
- Circulation Manager
- James Burdon
- Faculty Advisor
- Gordon Richmond
- Photography Personnel
- Bruce Larsen
- Richard Coe
- John Pingel
- Timothy O’Leary
- Dan Gorski
- Dennis Mead
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