
The Courier

Volume 26, Issue 23 (1993)

Issue Highlights


Murder Victim Fawcett's Friends At CD Follow Case

Diversity Marks SGA Presidential And Senatorial Races

CD Students March For Gay Rights

‘America Is In The Heart:’ Story Of Filipino Hardship, Courage

Women First, Men Second At Regionals


Dean Fawcett

Mark Brady

Sheila Lissman

Barry Mogk



The Courier, Volume 26, Issue 23, May 7, 1993
The Courier, College of DuPage

Editorial Staff

Editor In Chief
Scott Sherrin
News Editor
Jon Krenek
Arts & Entertainment Editor
Stacy Wilhite
Sports Editor
Prashant J. Sampat
Features Editor
Maht Wells
Photo Editor
Gina Guillemette
Art Director
Fred Moss
Advertising Manager
Joanna Del Gallo
Catherine M. Stablein

Contact The Courier staff at: https://codcourier.org/about