The Courier
Volume 3, Issue 30 (1970)
Issue Highlights
New $450,000 Lambert Rd. Assured by Fall
Experimental College to Begin Operation This Summer
List of Graduates Swells in College of DuPage’s Third Year
C of D Athletes Win 4 Conference Crowns
Graduating students listed by hometown
The Courier, Volume 3, Issue 30, June 4, 1970
The Courier, College of DuPage
Publications Personnel
- Editor and Business Manager
- Robert Baker
- City Editor
- Randy Meline
- Sports Editor
- Richard Goettler
- Photo Editor
- Charles Andelbradt
- Copy Editor
- Robert Blanford
- Auto Editor
- H.L. Perina
- Staff Artists
- Joe DiVito
- Phil Frankly
- John Miller
- Faculty Advisor
- Gordon Richmond
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