
The Courier

Volume 32, Issue 8 (1998)

Issue Highlights


Football Funding Unclear

New NIU Business Service Site Competes Directly With COD

Elevator Inspections To Resume

Health Threat Makes Geese More Than Pests

Getting Final Grades Made Easier

Student Activities Takes $100,000 Hit To Pay For Football–The Above Is What The Courier Headline Might Read In The Near Future

Pornography Readily Available On Campus

Why We Celebrate Thanksgiving

Geese Police Rid COD Of Geese Population

Volleyball Wins Championship


Evelyn Ecale Schultz

Nate Numrich

Jenny Johnson


Courier Editorial Board

Editor In Chief
Ray Kustush
News Editor
Kate MacArthur
Features Editor
Brian Melehan
Arts and Entertainment Editor
Jules St. John
Photo Editor
Adam Tautkus
Production Editor
Zaki Hasan
Advertising Manager
Joanne Leone
Courier Advisor
Catherine Stablein

Contact The Courier staff at: https://codcourier.org/about