The Prairie Light Review
Volume 36, Number 2 (2014)
Prefatory Notes
Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs
Allison Anderson
Front Cover - "Queen"
Silvia Tangaro
Queen of Nothing
Agnes Mickute
Precious Moment
Lorae Mundt
Gema Atta
Wylde Weather
Chadd Burgan
Noble Need for Evolution
Ashley Parkinson
Where do Burgers Come From?
Tom Gockman
Eucharisteo: Bread of Life
Christine McParland
Coffee Man
Amy Holm
Natalia Toreeva
Prairie Pan
Tonia Jackson
A Modest Proposal
Rachael Brinegar
Hanging On
Gema Atta
Boundless Freedom
Christian Alisauskas
Hunger for Life
Ami Rupani
Hunger for Peace
Tabrez Khan
Madyson Brady
Empty for Elegance
Ashley Parkinson
Quantum Ice
Stephen Koch
Clown McDonald
Amy Holm
Back Cover - "Skull"
Tonia Jackson
A Brief Look at Life
Psiren Blue
Boxcar Bomber
Joseph Ehret
The Senses of the Fall
Gwyneth Phillips
Hunger Wrapped in Silk and Gold
Bakul Banerjee
The Coping Saw
Bakul Banerjee
Learning How To Breathe
Linda Elaine
Little One
Mary Lynette Moore
School Fire: Mrs. Klock Remembers
Mardelle Fortier
Arguing With a Werewolf
Nathan Kiehn
Mango Gazelle
Lousia Parzyk
Sarah Hansen
Midnight Tea by Moonlight
Marta Gowett
Twenty-Seven, Love
Megan Thornsbury
Sometimes I'm A Slow Learner
Wilda Morris
Fire Eater
Psiren Blue
After the Truce
Wilda Morris
Whole and Full Without
Linda Elaine
Fire Like Silk
Louisa Parzyk
Father Famine
Christine Aument
On Lower Wacker Drive, Chicago
Wilda Morris
Looking for Lewinsky
Edward Jesse Capobianco

Editorial Team
- Editor-in-Chief
- Allison Anderson
- Marketing Editor
- Alex Piper
- Volunteers
- Jillian Tempestini
- Advisor
- Linda Elaine
- Assistant Editors
- Julia Andersen
- Karen Forslin-Bojnansky
- Marta Gowett
- Amy Holm
- Nathan Kiehn
- Louisa Parzyk
- German Sosa
Contact the Prairie Light Review staff at: