The Prairie Light Review
Volume 9, Number 1 (1989) Falling Asleep in America
Prefatory Notes
Front Cover - "Musings of the Virgin Bride"
David J. Magdziarz
Susannah and the Elders
Ann Maureen Stotts
For My Grandson
Kate Lipuma
On My 89th Birthday
John J. Poweziak
Now Seeking More Suitable Employment
Walter J. Hickey
Jean Nagel Stonesifer
A Portrait of My Sister as David Bowie
L.E. Wilson
In Defence
Grace L. Hayley
I Hate Fishing
Catherine T. Wagner
But You Were There With The Duck
Veronica Jean
Danger of Assault
Sylvia Rudolph
An English Institution
Sally Wood
Annunciation in Lyon
Larry Turner
The Truth of It
Jane Scoville
Vin Tully Mons.
Jim Radzom
La Lagaritja y La Culebra
John Louis Steen
Rock Tripe
Patricia K. Armstrong
Pop Anthropology
Heidi Mees
Well, Use It or Lose It
Robert Ramsay
An Excerpt From a Novel in Progress
T. Christian
Ours and Not
A. Silesius
JoAnne Brotman-Smith
The Scarlet Tanager
Rosemary Formolo
Gray Visit
Rick Anthoney
Back Matter

- Editor
- Meg Kindelin
- Assistant Editor
- Joe Ohlinger
- Managing Editor
- Timothy Mullen
- Blithe Spirits
- Angela Faris
- Nazima Hasham
- Joe Johnson
- Sue Mancione
- Jim Radzom
- Chrissy Trezzo
- Jane Wolverton
- Faculty Advisor
- BIll Leppert
Contact the Prairie Light Review staff at: