DigitalCommons@COD - COD Library Student Research and Award Symposium: Art History Cannon Project

Art History Cannon Project

Presenter Information

Melissa Gauger, College of DuPage


SRC 2000 Room D

Event Type


Start Date

10-5-2019 11:05 AM

End Date

10-5-2019 12:05 PM


My project seeks to explore lesbian representation throughout three distinct periods of art history: 1300-1600 CE, 1600-1850 CE, and 1850-Present. I analyze three artworks, one from each era, in terms of both its formal qualities and its context within a larger lesbian history. These artworks include Gabrielle d'Estrees and one of her sisters (1594), The Sleepers (1866), and Brooklyn and Regina, Brooklyn, NY (1979). Each individual piece conveys the different ways in which lesbians interacted with each other and how the general public perceived these sapphic interactions. Together, the works speak to a broader, dynamic definition regarding what it means to be and to be seen as a lesbian.

Faculty Supervisor: David Ouellette

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May 10th, 11:05 AM May 10th, 12:05 PM

Art History Cannon Project

SRC 2000 Room D

My project seeks to explore lesbian representation throughout three distinct periods of art history: 1300-1600 CE, 1600-1850 CE, and 1850-Present. I analyze three artworks, one from each era, in terms of both its formal qualities and its context within a larger lesbian history. These artworks include Gabrielle d'Estrees and one of her sisters (1594), The Sleepers (1866), and Brooklyn and Regina, Brooklyn, NY (1979). Each individual piece conveys the different ways in which lesbians interacted with each other and how the general public perceived these sapphic interactions. Together, the works speak to a broader, dynamic definition regarding what it means to be and to be seen as a lesbian.

Faculty Supervisor: David Ouellette