DigitalCommons@COD - COD Library Student Research and Award Symposium: Cold and Lonely Replication

Cold and Lonely Replication


SRC 2000 Room F

Event Type


Start Date

10-5-2019 9:25 AM

End Date

10-5-2019 9:25 AM


For this project, my group and I replicated a 2008 study by Zhong and Leonardelli linking social exclusion with lower perceived temperature; in other words, this experiment hypothesized that feeling socially excluded can make us feel cold. We gathered about 60 participants through a combination of asking students to take the Qualtrics survey at a reserved computer lab in the library or they took the survey on their phones for extra credit. We had the participants either reflect on a time when they were socially included or excluded and then estimate what they thought the temperature was in the room. Through the data collected and analyzed, we were unable to find a significant difference between the perceived temperatures of the two experimental groups, meaning our data did not replicate the original findings.

Faculty Supervisor: Dr. Ken Gray

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May 10th, 9:25 AM May 10th, 9:25 AM

Cold and Lonely Replication

SRC 2000 Room F

For this project, my group and I replicated a 2008 study by Zhong and Leonardelli linking social exclusion with lower perceived temperature; in other words, this experiment hypothesized that feeling socially excluded can make us feel cold. We gathered about 60 participants through a combination of asking students to take the Qualtrics survey at a reserved computer lab in the library or they took the survey on their phones for extra credit. We had the participants either reflect on a time when they were socially included or excluded and then estimate what they thought the temperature was in the room. Through the data collected and analyzed, we were unable to find a significant difference between the perceived temperatures of the two experimental groups, meaning our data did not replicate the original findings.

Faculty Supervisor: Dr. Ken Gray