DigitalCommons@COD - COD Library Student Research and Award Symposium: The Ted Bundy Effect: The Chemistry Behind the Killer

The Ted Bundy Effect: The Chemistry Behind the Killer

Presenter Information

Ellis Heyen, College of DuPage


SRC 2000 Room F

Event Type


Start Date

10-5-2019 9:25 AM

End Date

10-5-2019 10:25 AM


This presentation - prepared for a Fundamentals of Communication assignment - takes a closer look at the macabre world of serial killers by examining advances in brain chemistry that sheds new light on crime and the mind of the criminal.

Faculty Supervisor: John Karnatz

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May 10th, 9:25 AM May 10th, 10:25 AM

The Ted Bundy Effect: The Chemistry Behind the Killer

SRC 2000 Room F

This presentation - prepared for a Fundamentals of Communication assignment - takes a closer look at the macabre world of serial killers by examining advances in brain chemistry that sheds new light on crime and the mind of the criminal.

Faculty Supervisor: John Karnatz