DigitalCommons@COD - COD Library Student Research and Award Symposium: Fighting PTSD with Horses

Presenter Information

Gillian Fletcher

Event Type


Start Date

8-5-2020 10:20 AM

End Date

8-5-2020 11:10 AM


After determining my research topic, the effects of therapeutic riding in treating mental disorders, I volunteered at a therapeutic riding center throughout the semester. This opportunity brought first-hand experience and inspiration to my work. Observing how the horses brought joy and brightened the lives of the veterans in the “Helping Hands” program I volunteered with, led me to develop my research question: Can horses (therapeutic riding) help fight the symptoms of Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder in veterans? Using both published findings of similar research, as well as my own experience working with the veterans in the program, there was an overwhelming amount of evidence that suggests horses do, in fact, reduce the effects of common PTSD symptoms. Examining the relevant statistics, reviewing the latest research and noting the most memorable interactions from my volunteering, has contributed to the making of this project.

Faculty Sponsor: Lisa Higgins

Included in

Psychology Commons


May 8th, 10:20 AM May 8th, 11:10 AM

Fighting PTSD with Horses

Symposium Room A - Click here to attend presentation

After determining my research topic, the effects of therapeutic riding in treating mental disorders, I volunteered at a therapeutic riding center throughout the semester. This opportunity brought first-hand experience and inspiration to my work. Observing how the horses brought joy and brightened the lives of the veterans in the “Helping Hands” program I volunteered with, led me to develop my research question: Can horses (therapeutic riding) help fight the symptoms of Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder in veterans? Using both published findings of similar research, as well as my own experience working with the veterans in the program, there was an overwhelming amount of evidence that suggests horses do, in fact, reduce the effects of common PTSD symptoms. Examining the relevant statistics, reviewing the latest research and noting the most memorable interactions from my volunteering, has contributed to the making of this project.

Faculty Sponsor: Lisa Higgins