The Prairie Light Review
Volume 36, Number 1 (2013)
This issue was incorrectly published in print as Volume 35, Number 1Prefatory Notes
Front Cover - "Introvert"
Nick Marchese
Brain Stew
Dana Lair
Children Chasing Waves
Denton Dooley
Autumn Indian Grass
Dee Hudson
Slumbering Boughs
Dee Hudson
And Heaven Shines
Felicia Moore
Reaching for the Leaves
Atiyya Shahab
Lord Ganesh
Meenal Pujari
Ben Hayden
Middle of Nowhere, Montana
Denton Dooley
Elephant in the Garden
Atiyya Shahab
Cotton Candy Forest
Colleen Scanlon
Expectation Cloud Perceptions
Nick Marchese
Ted's Norman
Ted Mueller
Chump Chimp
Silvia Tangaro
Beneath the Surface
Colleen Scanlon
Space Station
Nancy D'Agostino
Jillian Tempestini
To See a World
Timothy Botts
The Umbrella
Brad Setter
Lake Michigan Sunset
Haley Gottardo
Oscoda Woods
Rachael Abell
A Snowy Path
Mallory Mack
After Irving Amen
Nancy D'Agostino
It Is San Francisco
Jeff Edwards
Blackened Haze of New Agendas
Ben Hayden
Crooked Tides
Denton Dooley
Back cover - "Perception"
Brad Setter
Things to Do When You're Having a Nervous Breakdown
Megan Thornsbury
To Be or Not To Be Alone
Natalia Toreeva
An Autobiography in Eight Parts
Kate Bennett
Seven, Love
Megan Thornsbury
The Oval Pot
Dodi Dolendi
Friendship Road
Dodi Dolendi
Deux Coeurs / Two Hearts
Ali Bestler
Turtle Day
Christine Aument
The Weight of Floating
Megan Thornsbury
The Calling
Linda Elaine
O Little Town
Christine McParland
The Bridge
Bob Tomaszewski
From Dusk 'til Dawn
Psiren Blue
Gray Figure
Marilyn Peretti
It's Not Like in the Movies
Wilda Morris
Choice: A Marine's Battle Through Hell
Maddie Jackson
Always Ocean
Casey James
Lincoln Marsh
Marilyn Peretti
On Soulmates
Jillian Tempestini

Editorial Team
- Editor-in-Chief
- Allison Anderson
- Production Editor
- Stephen Anderson
- Marketing Editor
- Alex Piper
- Advisor
- Linda Elaine
- Assistant Editors
- Sara Benes
- Jacob Blondin
- Jillian Tempestini
Contact the Prairie Light Review staff at: