DigitalCommons@COD - COD Library Student Research and Award Symposium: The Transformation of Tessie Hutchinson: A Character Analysis

Presenter Information

Jillian Pitelka

Event Type


Start Date

8-5-2020 10:20 AM

End Date

8-5-2020 11:06 AM


The short story “The Lottery” by Shirley Jackson, is not the ordinary lottery we are all used to today. In the beginning it may seem that way but, in the end, it turns into a sort a sacrifice. The main character in this short story is Mrs. Hutchinson (Tessie) and she shows no fear of this lottery like her neighbors do. In my paper, The Transformation of Tessie, I argue that Tessie does not take the lottery seriously until she has a chance as being chosen as the sacrifice. To defend my position, I used support from three literary critics who analyzed the story who deepened my understanding of Tessie.

Faculty Sponsor: Robert Dixon-Kolar


May 8th, 10:20 AM May 8th, 11:06 AM

The Transformation of Tessie Hutchinson: A Character Analysis

Symposium Room B - Click here to attend presentation

The short story “The Lottery” by Shirley Jackson, is not the ordinary lottery we are all used to today. In the beginning it may seem that way but, in the end, it turns into a sort a sacrifice. The main character in this short story is Mrs. Hutchinson (Tessie) and she shows no fear of this lottery like her neighbors do. In my paper, The Transformation of Tessie, I argue that Tessie does not take the lottery seriously until she has a chance as being chosen as the sacrifice. To defend my position, I used support from three literary critics who analyzed the story who deepened my understanding of Tessie.

Faculty Sponsor: Robert Dixon-Kolar