Event Type
Start Date
8-5-2020 10:20 AM
End Date
8-5-2020 11:10 AM
This essay investigates the current condition of the United States presidential debate structure. Research has shown that candidates participating in these debates often direct most of their attention to form the most bold and catchy one-liners in order to capture the hearts and minds of the American people. As a result, citizens are not gaining enough knowledge of their presidential candidates. The focus on personal attacks and grand statements puts policy and campaign strategy out of the spotlight. Candidates are given around five minutes to address a serious question about our nation. In a perfect world with no interruptions this is still not nearly enough time to effectively explain a stance on immigration, healthcare, etc. Are the American people getting valuable campaign information from these debates or are we just watching political theatre?
Faculty Sponsor: Maureen Heffern Ponicki
Presidential Debates or Political Theatre?
Symposium Room C - Click here to attend presentation
This essay investigates the current condition of the United States presidential debate structure. Research has shown that candidates participating in these debates often direct most of their attention to form the most bold and catchy one-liners in order to capture the hearts and minds of the American people. As a result, citizens are not gaining enough knowledge of their presidential candidates. The focus on personal attacks and grand statements puts policy and campaign strategy out of the spotlight. Candidates are given around five minutes to address a serious question about our nation. In a perfect world with no interruptions this is still not nearly enough time to effectively explain a stance on immigration, healthcare, etc. Are the American people getting valuable campaign information from these debates or are we just watching political theatre?
Faculty Sponsor: Maureen Heffern Ponicki