Moral Implications of Viewing Pornography

Presenter Information

Talia Jalahej, College of DuPage


Library 2032

Event Type


Start Date

8-5-2023 8:30 PM

End Date

8-5-2023 9:10 PM


My research that I am presenting for the student research symposium is based on the ethical question under investigation: Is it ever morally acceptable to view pornography for the purposes of sexual gratification? If so, under what conditions is it morally acceptable, under what conditions is it morally unacceptable? While researching this question, I went through the process of collecting unbiased resources using google scholar, the library database as well as other methods of research collection that would help me form an opinion on a matter that I had no leaning or opinion formed towards prior to the research.

Faculty Sponsor: Professor Dawn Chow

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May 8th, 8:30 PM May 8th, 9:10 PM

Moral Implications of Viewing Pornography

Library 2032

My research that I am presenting for the student research symposium is based on the ethical question under investigation: Is it ever morally acceptable to view pornography for the purposes of sexual gratification? If so, under what conditions is it morally acceptable, under what conditions is it morally unacceptable? While researching this question, I went through the process of collecting unbiased resources using google scholar, the library database as well as other methods of research collection that would help me form an opinion on a matter that I had no leaning or opinion formed towards prior to the research.

Faculty Sponsor: Professor Dawn Chow