Anne Boleyn: Villain or Victim?

Presenter Information

Elizabeth Watson, College of DuPage


Library 3152

Event Type


Start Date

6-5-2024 7:30 PM

End Date

6-5-2024 8:25 PM


I was interested in researching the truth of about Anne Boleyn. She is often portrayed as this wicked woman who bewitched Henry and almost brought about the end of England, but they say history is written by the victor, so what is the true story?

Faculty Sponsor: Maria Ritzema

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May 6th, 7:30 PM May 6th, 8:25 PM

Anne Boleyn: Villain or Victim?

Library 3152

I was interested in researching the truth of about Anne Boleyn. She is often portrayed as this wicked woman who bewitched Henry and almost brought about the end of England, but they say history is written by the victor, so what is the true story?

Faculty Sponsor: Maria Ritzema