Why Do People Believe in QAnon?

Presenter Information

Darcy Joyner, College of DuPage


Library 2024

Event Type


Start Date

6-5-2024 8:35 PM

End Date

6-5-2024 9:15 PM


I set out to understand the deeper beliefs behind the disconcertingly popular QAnon conspiracy theory. From my research I concluded insidious roots of white supremacy lay within the outlandish theories.

Faculty Sponsor: Dawn Chow

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May 6th, 8:35 PM May 6th, 9:15 PM

Why Do People Believe in QAnon?

Library 2024

I set out to understand the deeper beliefs behind the disconcertingly popular QAnon conspiracy theory. From my research I concluded insidious roots of white supremacy lay within the outlandish theories.

Faculty Sponsor: Dawn Chow