Content Posted in 2017
+/-, Mindy Evans
3:35 Blues, J. Michael Carter
360, Paul Yeager
852-850 (part of the Arrigo Park series), Roger Darrigrand
A Bad Egg, Jeff Laird
Abandoned Auto, John Symkis
About Quebec, Barbara Armbruster
Abstract, Evelyn Ecale Schultz
Abstract, Evelyn Ecale Schultz
A Chair Newly Placed, Robert N. Georgalas
Achieving School, Jaime Skrobania
A Child's Lament, Mikki Mendelsohn
Achilles Creed?, Ana Juvan
Acid Coke and Mushroom Soup, Brian Waddington
A Concrete Star, Jenny Lauren Meyer
Across the Cafeteria and On to the Mall, Robert N. Georgalas
Actually, I Do Write Comedies, Jessica Shubert
A Daughter's Wish, Catherine L. Conway
A Dinner to Remember, Jon Pollack
Adopted Religion, Jeremy Glavanovits
A Dreamless Night, William Marr
A Drive for Change – The Ethical Dilemmas of Autonomous Cars, Michael Vitt
A Fine Pair, We Two, Robert Georgalas
African-American Comedians and Blackface: Struggle against Racism, Aneela Ahmed
A Game of Hackysack, Brooke Dennis
Agony, Patty Davoust
Alaska, Ellen Richter
Alien Landscape, Thomas Krekelberg
A Little Soul Food, Please, Rita Puishes
All Aboard?, Jerry Ryan
Alligator Trouble, Christine Bodine
All's Fair, Johanna Medrano
All the Pains Revisited, Wendy Montague
Almost Unveiled, Sarah Lensink
Alone with the Sea, Laura Sosnowski
Alpha Zedd Teal, Alice Ventura
A Mad Man's Semi-Sane Musing on Love, Arden French
American Dream, Christopher Hield
A Metaphor For Global War, R. Ryan Brandys
Am. Gov't 101, Kari Timmers
A Moment in Time with a Half-Rate Tragedian, Thomas Ferguson
A Moment of Ineptitude, Ken Nelson
A Mother's Love, Maryan Kruppe
A Mountain Lake, Laura Sosnowski
An Angel's Lament, Kathy Villagomez
Ancient Games, Patricia Pope
and the lord said "but it was not my fault" (blasphemization of Aaron Douglas's "Noah's Ark."), Christina Chin
A New Leaf, Dylan Hoffman
Angel in a White Box, Carol Neumann
Angels, Teresa Wagner
Anger + Beauty, Misa Albanese
Anglo-Saxon Riddle, Jill Scheckells
A Night at the Opera, Donna Pucciani
Animation: A True Art, Elyse Warnecke
An Intimate Look at Nature, Courtney Campbell
Anna Akhmatova, Natalia Toreeva
An Observation, Matthew Kovich
Anthem of an Italian Stallion, Kevin Uvodich
Antoinette, Sad-Eyed Lady Of The Lowlands, David John Simcik
An Unexpected Kiss, Matthew Kovich
Anxiety, Constance Vogel
A Passing Moment, Megan Holmes
A Passion for His Work, Julie Harrington
A Pebble, William Marr
A Picture for the Refrigerator, Mary Kathryn Murphy
A Pilgrimage Toward Progression, Patrick Kampmeyer
A Politically-Correct Clone Song, William Marr
Apple Envy, Roberta Carrie Stewart
Apple Harvest, Gloria Fazio
Appropriate Suburban Bumper Stickers I, Richard Oberbruner
Appropriate Suburban Bumper Stickers II, Richard Oberbruner
Appropriate Suburban Bumper Stickers III, Richard Oberbruner
April, Allan Carter
April 5 Fool!, Chitra Singa
Arcanum, Misa Albanese
A Reverie in Technicolor, Tamanna Gulati
Arianna, Gloria Fazio
"A Rose is a Rose...", Tania Blanco
Arrest, Steph Ziemann
Art and Alienation, Jenny McBride
Artistic Anthrax, Dan Hoger
Artist's Teeth, Fyodor Sakhnovski
A Russian New Year, John Veneck
A Sacret Painting, Sarwat Khan
Astral Projection, Tamanna Gulati
At 17, Amy Peter
A Texas Folk Tale, Bill Trudo
At Neptune's Door, Gerald Ryan
At Night, Amy Peter
A Touch, Ellen Meyer
Attention long-winded poets: get to the fucking point, Todd Swiss
At the Duomo, Orvieto, Italy, Wilda Morris
At The Office, Virginia Kammerer
At Wrigley Field, Ida Hagman
Autumn, Caroline Johnson
Autumn Night, Patricia Petros
Autumn Water, Aichen Ho
Available Dust, Peter Sheesley
A View from the London Eye, Blaire Hufford
A Visit to the Doctor, Brandin Estes
Awakening, Rachel Purchalski
A Writer Knows, Kathleen Ward
Azalea, Jeannette Helmbrecht
Back Alleyway, Hinsdale, IL, Andrew Cornillie
Back Cover, Maxine Butcher
Back Cover, Allison Steinhauer
Back Cover, Evelyn Ecale Schultz
Back Cover, Derek Haverland
Back Cover - "Crows", Nancy Staszak
Back Cover - "Razzberry Mint Eye Scream", David John Simcik
Back Cover - "Sacred Vessel", Tania Blanco
Back Cover - "Stimulation", Paul Giacalone
Back Cover - "The Passage of Time", David Beeching
Back Cover - The Prairie Light Review Logo, Chris Carlsen
Back Cover- Untitled, Neil Huffman
Bad Day in May, David Beeching
Bad Hair Day, Robert L. Gockman
Badlands, David John Simcik
Baile de Fuego, Tania Blanco
Banyan Tree, Sam Sato
Bare Naked Beginnings, Carol Neumann
Bathing Goose, Shawn Farnsworth
Bath-Time, Laura Hertz
Bathtubs, Derek Haverland
Battleship Island, Kelsey Flinker
Beautiful each Shape, Brian Kovich
Beauty, Laura Sosnowski
Beauty, Wendy Fox
Beauty in the Telling, Matthew Kovich
Bed of Pearls, Heidi Koos
Bedroom, Kelsey Flinker
Behind the glamour, Bonnie White
Being, David Pines
Being Aware, Kenneth Le Clair
Benches, Gail Cairns
Benefit of Animal-assisted Therapy Programs in Prison, Jessica McCormack
Between Heaven and Earth, William Marr
Beyond The Moment, Roberta C. Stewart
Bhorn on dha bajyou, Kallie Kaczmarek
Biblical Lives Reimagined, Matt McNichols
Biesenbrow: A Place in the Sun and a Place in the Shadow, Marlena Aeschliman
Black: All-Consuming, Kevin Jeremy Ross
black and white, Mardelle Fortier
Black Satin, Mardelle Fortier
Black White, Tricia Marcella Cimera
Blasphemous Rex, Richard Oberbruner
Blessings of the Last Fish, Maureen Tolman Flannery
Blind Patriotism, Ellen Rebman
Blind Trust, Aldo Romeo
Blowout, Jeff Laird
Blue, Nancy Staszak
Blue, Judy Hockett
Blues and the Heart of Zen, Steve Smith
Bob Marley, Marguerite Smit
Body And Soul, Judy Hockett
Bond, Molly Miklosz
Bonsai, Barbara Armbruster
Books, Roberta Stewart
Bookwish, Ruth Goring
Boomer, T.J. Struska
Botanic Illusion, Stacey Simcik
Boy and Gull Friend, Joe Benigni
Boys, Juli Bridges
Brainboy, John Kuharik
Brake Cylinder and Frame Member Canadian National E9 #104, Andrew Cornillie
Brave Little One, Robert L. Houle
Breaking Free, Laina Olson
Breaking the Shadow, Sarah Tasic
Bridge Over the Mississippi, Thomas Skibbie.
Bright Angel Canyon and Tree, Bill Hottinger
"bright eyes", Sharon Kane
Broken Dreams, John Symkis
Broken Sky, Aldo Blanco
Brother, Robin Weis
Brothers in Trust, Laura Hertz
Brushing Hair, Richard Voss
Buckingham at Night, Stephanie Jaco
Bueno Divertido, Joseph Blandi
Bugs, Andy Hsu
Bull Market, Ron Edison
Butterfly, Sharon Kane
Bye, Bye, Jimmy Jones, Andrew Castellucci
By Wendy, Kathleen Ward and R. Ryan Brandys
Cafe at Morning, Rouen, Robert N. Georgalas
Calabaza, Alberto Aguilera
Capricorn, Gloria Fazio
Car and Arm, Denis Hagen
Castle Top Mountain, Gerald Ryan
Caveman (Home), Andrea Mikenas
Celadine Poppy, Fred Drury
Celestial Celebration, Tania Blanco
Cellar Door and Duct, Hinsdale, IL, Andrew Cornillie
Cellurism, Luke Salvesen
Cemetery Road, Patricia Gangas
Cerro Gordo American Hotel, Frank Jackowski
Cheers to Tennessee, Melody Martin
Chicago, Patricia Petros
Chicago, David Vancil
Chicago Angles, Emmalee Piedlow
Chicago Botanic Garden II, Connie Nestler
Chicago Night, Roger Darrigrand
Chicago Riots of 1919, Eric Pingel
Chicago Woman, David Beeching
China Town #1, Angeline Evans
Chipmunk, Jen Barnes
Choking, Amy Peter
Chubby Girl Sizes, Cindy DeFranco
Cigarette Lighter, Becky Maday
Circle Dance of the White Buffalo, Maureen Tolman Flannery
Circles, Donna Pucciani
City, Joan Kalmanek
Civil Disobedience in Chicago: Revisiting the Haymarket Riot, Samantha Wilson
Clark Street Bridge, Stephanie Jaco
Clocks and Time, Florence M. Zielinski
Clothe Me in the Robes of Innocence, Joshua Herman
Cocktails Roostertales, Patricia L. Karwatowicz
Cocoon, Sharon Kane
Coercion and Effect, Michael Polinski
coleman grove interchange of the aurora, elgin, and fox river railroad, Thomas C. Cornillie
Collateral Damage, Ellen Rebman
Collectivity, Emily Ruggles
Colonel Kurtz is Coming Home, Daniel Messick
Colora, Stephanie Rychlowski
Comic Explosion, Christopher Pool
Coming to Terms, Patricia Gangas
Coming With the Dark of Night, David M. Dinsmore
Common Church Poem, Michael Lee Johnson
Confession, Elizabeth Lane
Confessions of Two Young Adult Sex Queens, Miranda Max
Conflict, Jessica Shubert
Consciousness, Marge Dady
Consignment, Matthew Kovich
Consolation, Heather M. Fahn
Consumed, William Berkhout
Consumed, Carrie Leensvaart
Continuum, Molly Miklosz
Contradiction Affliction, Richard Oberbruner
Conventional Love, Patrick Salem
Conversation Among three men with broken noses, who have nothing to say to each other, Patty Davoust
Cool Off, Wes Solether
Cooties, Jennifer Haniger
Coral Reef, J. Michael Carter
Cosmetology: A Beautiful Career, Marisa Fernbach
Counting, Raymond Ziemer
Coven of Images, Pete Cholewinski
Coven of the Ages, Wendy Montague
Cover Art - "What Now Traveller", Ken Nelson
Creon and the Pressures of Being King, Theresa Snitchler
Crisis at Central High, Evelyn Ecale Schultz
Crooked Spire Chesterfield Parish Church England, Donna Pucciani
Crossing the Border, Barbara Armbruster
Crouch, Robin Weis
Crow of Hellrot, Alice Ventura
Crows, Nancy Staszak
Cumulative Index of Student Authors
Curious Babies, Cheryl Rausch
Cuts and Scrapes, Alyssa Maycan
Daddy's Girl, Daren Eageny
Daily Blaze, Richard Oberbruner
Dancing Ballerinas, Gwen Ames
Dandelion Fields, Colleen Klein
Daniel, Noah Mann-Engel
Dark Clouds, Kelsey Flinker
Das Madchen (with apologies to Jamaica Kincaid), Rita Puishes
Davin, Laura Dierking
Daybreak, Gloria Fazio
Daydream, Pat Pope
Daydreams, Nicole Chase
Daylight Requiem, Matthew Kovich
Days, Jo-Ann Ledger
Days End, Laura Sosnowski
Deadly Shadows, Chris LaFortune
Dear Klondyke, Liz Hyink
Death Be Nimble, Ryan K. Sauers
Death on the Installment Plan, John Emmett Gimpert
Deception, Victoria Marie Vaughan
Decisions, David Vancil
Deep, Katherine Belon
Deep Fried Twinkies, William Vollrath
Deer X-ing, William Marr
Definitions: Love and Marriage, Time and Again, Russell Walker
Degas at the Ballet ("On the Stage", 1876-77; Art Institute), Mardelle Fortier
Degas, Little Dancer, Molly Miklosz
Delivery, Brian VandenBos
Design For Small Spaces, Barbara Armbruster
Destiny, Rita Moon Kain
Devotion, Robin Tryloff
Diamond City, Petra Ford
Diamond in the Rough, Raymond D. Miller Jr.
Diana - not close enof, David Vancil
Different Strokes, Joan Kalmanek
Dignity Denied, Rachel Purchalski
Directions for Use and Care, Jason Snart
director's note, Sarah Lensink
dismissed, Jenn Syperski
Distraction, Brandin Estes
Do Maples Mourn In Fall?, Audrey Stilling
Donald, Kathy Belletire
Don't Breathe, Michelle Weis
Don't See How It Won't Get Worse, John M. Kuharik
Don't you want to go window-shopping with me?, Todd Swiss
Donuts, Rose Calkins
Dorm #2, Antoinette Traynok
dorm life, Lisa Huston
Doughboy, Michael J. Burrel
D.P. (Displaced Person), Patricia L. Karwatowicz
Dragonfly, Jacqueline Dye
Drawing of Leo Tolstoy, Natalia Toreeva
Dream World, Robert L. Gockman
Dress Rehearsal Rag, Keith Barlog
Dripping With Blood, Ryan Santangelo
Drought Summer, Margarete Cantrall
Drowning, Jaclyn Wochos
Drowning, Robert L. Gockman
Drum Talk, Joshua Williams
Drunken Regret, Amy Peter
Dubya's Costume, Mary Ellen Reedy
Ducky Fuzz, Fuzzy Duck, Brian Moore
Eagle, Brandon Weller
Early June After Each September, Susan Auld
Eating Oranges, Tricia Cimera
Eating Thirds, Flavel Shurtleff
Eclipse, Daniel Valdez
Economic and Political Theory, Christopher Daudish
ECT, Gail Cairns
Edgar and Me, Steven Gade
editor's note, Ryan Brandys
Editor's Note, Courtney Campbell
Editor's Note, Jo-Ann Ledger
Editor's Note, Lee DiVita
Ego, Mardelle Fortier
Egyptian Canvas, Jacqueline Yither
Egyptian Mau, Rachel Wiegmann
Eight Tongues, Natalia Tertusio
Elements of Nature, Tania Blanco
Elevated, Erica Simon
Eleven Ways of Looking at Clouds, Jill Spealman
Ellis Island, Jim Hayden
El Milagro de Salvacion, Joe Benigni
Elope, Alyssa Valdez
Emily's Poem, Evelyn Ecale Schultz
Emotional Hell, Carlos Solis
Emotion in the Shadows, Dee Sattler
Empty, Natalie Gonzalez
Encre de Chine, Ian Sherer
End of the Block, Matthew Bailey
Ends, Richard Mattas
ENFLAMED: for Surya Bonaly, Mardelle Fortier
Engaged, Bart Misantoni
Enlight, Sarah Lensink
Entangled, Richard H. Jarman
:Entities Of Energies, Anthony Lucio
Entrapment 2, Jacqueline Withers
Entrapment 4, Jacqueline Withers
Epic Simile: A Window to the Past, Corey Czopek
Equivocality, Tamanna Gulati
Escape, Jenny Lauren Meyer
Escape, Jerry Ryan
Essence of Alice, Catherine L. Conway
Etching-Hank Shooting Magpies 1943, David Beeching
Eternally Dreaming, Alicia Petersen
Ethno Nationalist Terror, Dan Loris
Everyday I Make the Bed in Silence, Tricia Taaca
Examining Community College Faculty Attitudes Toward Open Educational Resources: A Mixed Methods Study, Denise Cote
Excavation, William Marr
Existing, Rita Moon Kain
Expatriate, David Thomas
Expectations, Amy Peter
Experiment Copy, Jennifer Cooper
Exploring the Sublime in Art, Emily Krebaum
Expression of One's Own Identity, Jacquline Withers
Extended Care, Mary Ramsey
Extinguished Super Heroes, Sarah Lynn Andrysiak
Eye Contact, Molly Miklosz
Eye's Open, Gilberto Olivarez
Faces of Eve, Christopher Hield
Face the beast within, Natalia Tertusio
Failure to Communicate, Edward Quinn
Fairground I, Vincent Glielmi
Faith, Robin Tryloff
Faithless, Gerald Ryan
Fallen Petals, Wilda Morris
Fall Into C.O.D., Eric Kleinberg
Fall of Saigon, 30 April 1975, Karen Owen
False Fairytale, Alexandra Kurza
Family Reunion, Barbara Armbruster
Far Away Lands, Shelly Zabielski
Farm Life, Andy Hsu
Fathers and Sons, Jessica Lee
fear, Jenn Syperski
Fear Of Falling, Barbara Armbruster
Feckless Replies, William Vollrath
Fence Sitting, Roberta Carrie Stewart
Fetal Position, William Vollrath
fickle, Jo-Ann Ledger
fifth grade, Sue Ekins
Finish The Story, Anthony Lucio
First Love, Gerald Ryan
Fixer Upper, Dominic Tessiatore
Flattened Fauna...Stop And Eat, Jim Gustafson
Flight, Valerie Pierce
Flip, Kallie Kaczmarek
Flirt, Jennifer Haniger
Flying Squirrel, Paul Bernbom
Foolish Time, Alexandra Kurza
For All The Saints, Donna Pucciani
For Caffeine, Mardelle Fortier
Forced Shadows, Glen Dudasik
Forest, Laura Sosnowski
For Everyone, Debra J. Brucker
For Lack of a Hero, Jessica Shubert
For One Moment I Stopped Everything I Was Doing, Brian Waddington
For Steve Kirchen, Raymond Ziemer
Four Houses by a Hotel, Jennifer Guico
Fowl Language, Denis Hagen
Framed, Tim Emmerling
Freedom to Grow, Tania Blanco
Free Fall, Helen Luther
French Ice Dancers, Mardelle Fortier
Fritz Lang - An Auteur of German Expressionism, Phil McCarron
From an Overlook by Lac Trempealeau, Margaret Berg
From Earth to the Stars: What it Takes to Become a NASA Astronaut, Kaitlin Janis
From Peasant to Proletariat: How the Irish were able to overcome the Irish Potato Famine, Alyssa Laatz
Front Cover, Mary Moses
Front Cover, Alice Ventura
Front Cover, Sharon Kane
Front Cover - "But now, I am found", Mindy Evans
Front Cover - Caught in the Dark, Allison Steinhauer
Front Cover - "Dreams Come True", Laura Sosnowski
Front Cover - "Event Horizon", Mindy Evans
Front Cover - "Frozen in Time", Thomas Krekelberg
Front Cover - "Henrietta Waits", Tonia Jackson
Front Cover - "Insight", Donald O. Brandt
Front Cover - Mere Et Infant, Evelyn Ecale Schultz
Front Cover - "Mom", Joe Benigni
Front Cover - Needless, Jason Retuta
Front Cover - "Oko", Tania Blanco
Front Cover - "Only the Ginkos Flew that Day in September", Tania Blanco
Front Cover - "Peppermint Eye Scream", David John Simcik
Front Cover - "Red Color of San Miguel", Terry Aversa
Front Cover - "The Passage of Time", David Beeching
Front Cover - "Through The Window", Rachel Schwarz
Front Cover - Untitled, Neil Huffman
Front Cover "Untitled", Wayne Atkinson
Front Cover - "What Now Traveller?", Ken Nelson
Front Cover - "When Angels Dance...", Tania Blanco
Front - "Pose #1", Maxine Butcher
front yard follies, Dick Sharpe
Frost, Alyssa Lenihan
Fugue, Tania Blanco
Full Circle, Angela M. Sarno
Funny Thing, Kristin Westergren
Garage Sailing, Jason Snart
Gaze, Brittany Caldwell
Genesis 4, Jason Mack
Gentrification and Chicago, Sean Anderson
George in the Morning, Marilyn Donovan
Getting to the Point, Russell Walker
Ghosts, Pete Cholewinski
Giggles, Patricia Gangas
Giraffe, Wilda Morris
girl., Ashley Anderson
Girl in Grass, Robert Kulys
girl talk, David McGrath
Give Me Booze or Give Me Jesus, Micheal Lee Johnson
Goals for the Cross-Country Tent-Camping Mountain Trip with Jon, Lori, Nicholas, the Dogs and Me, Ellen Richter
God Gave Me a Life Sentence, Kristina Zaremba
Gone, Gilberto Olivarez
Goodbye?, Gerald Ryan
Goose & Reflecttions, Denis Hagen
Gossip, Joan Fliege
Graduation Day, Bonniejean Alford
Grandpa, Robert L. Gockman
Grandpa Bulbrook, Sandra Penrose
Grandpa's Christmas Tree, Serena Niensted
Grease Monkeys, Lindsay Erwin
Great Aunt Conn, Sandra Penrose
Great Mind, Molly Miklosz
Green Farm Cupola, Larry Larson
Grey of the Ground, Heather Gilbert
Grounded by the Storm, Dee Sattler
Groupie, Leslie Lee
Group Singers, Santokh S. Kochar
Growing Old; Or, Variant Graces, Chikako D. Kumamoto
Growing Pains, David Beeching
Growth, Jennifer Miller
Growth, Sara Hayes
Guidance, John J. Gordon
Gypsies, Kalpana Chitnis
Had I stayed home and married, Wilda Morris
Hancock's Web, David Mayhew
Hand Angel, Ken Nelson
Hand Goes over Hand, Chrissy Bruzek
Hands, Jo-Ann Ledger
Hands of Clay, Joe Benigni
hands of humans, Mardelle Fortier
Hangin' By The Street Corner, Bryan VanZanten
Hasta Luego, Emmalee Piedlow
Hate Personified, Tim Emmerling
Haven: Masters of Art, Carrianna Renwick
Heartland, Matthew Bailey
Heart-Perbole, David John Simcik
Hearts Bleed, Dee Sattler
He Liked Pickles or the Death of Donald Freemont, Jason Little
Hello C.O.D. in Africa, Joe Benigni
Hemingway on the Left Bank, Mardelle Fortier
Hem Street, Bruce Gracka Jr.
HENRY AND GRACE, Sandra Penrose
Here's Looking At You, Tania Blanco
Her Hands, Diane Lincoln
Heroin(e), Todd Swiss
Her Smile, Gerald Ryan
Hey, DuPage, U Dog
Hinsdale Chain And Railing, Andrew Cornillie
History of a Poet, Constance Vogel
Hit and Run, Amy Peter
Hollywood Before the Camera Flashes, Jasmine Careddu
Homecoming, Ruth Goring
Home for the Holidays, Catherine Conway
Homeless, Wayne Atkinson
Homemaker, Patricia Gangas
Hometown, Wilda Morris
Hope, Jenna Pederson
Horse Break, Dan Salvesen
Horseplay, Joan Fliege
Hospital Bed, Denis Hagen
Hospital Corridor, Mary Kathryn Murphy
Hotel Bar: The Beautiful Loneliness, Mardelle Fortier
Hot, Sassy and Lasting!, George Sparks
Housework, Natalia Toreeva
How Chicago’s Architectural Style of Today Developed from The World’s Columbian Exposition of 1893, Jane York
How Colorful is Pain, Fyodor Sakhnovski
How Insurance Adjusters Get their Game on (Spam Poem), Ryan K. Sauers
How to Become Successful, David Zemke
How to Induce a Smile, Kelsey Petersen
How to Live in Denial, Megan Palombella
How to Remove the Price Tag..., Shelby Workman
How to Spot an Angel, Briyanna Purifoye
How You Hoped to be Remembered, Cynthia Jele
Hungry, Tim Emmerling
Ibrahim Ferrer De Cuba, Mary Ellen Reedy
I Can See You, Natalia Tertusio
Identity Theft: Park Bench, David Mayhew
I'd Forgotten Snow, Marilyn Peretti
I Don't Belong Here, Mark Szakonyi
I Don't Belong Here, Mark Szakony
I fall into a dream, Claire Katsion
If Dinner Let Me Down, Will Death?
if I gave you jigsaws, Josh Ziemann
If This, Then That, Allison Dougherty Garvey
I Hate Collage, Ashly Metcalf
Il Milagros-Del Famatore (The Smoker), Joan Fleige
I Love, Lisa Travis
Imagine, Madeline Jefferies
Imagine A Woman..., Jean Drury
I Miss Mama, Carol Osburn
Imitate a Line Found In Verse, Brian Kovich
I'm Nothing but Blue, David John Simcik
Improv, Patrick Moriarty
In Between, Emily Ruggles
Indian Box, Katie Lupo
Indian Sheperd, Santokh S. Kochar
Indian Sheperd, Santokh S. Kochar
Indian Symbiosis and the Gringo Parasite, R. Ryan Brandys
In Memory of Ezra, Ronda L. Crawford
In My Sock Drawer, Kathleen Hernandez
Innocence, Alison Balinski
Inside The Circle, Misa Albanese
Insomnia, Jean Young
Instructions to my Roman Guide, Wilda Morris
In the dream years, Ruth Goring
In the Fullness of Early Aging, Maureen Tolman Flannery
In the Glow of the Night, Paul Lydon
In the Grass by the River, Kelsey Flinker
In the Loop, Alison Callaghan
In the park, Lindsay Leonidas
Intimate, Sarah Patterson
Into the Night, Blaire Hufford
Inure, Marilyn Donovan
Invasive Species of the Florida Everglades, Adrian Raygoza
Invisible Love Letters #6, Bonnie White
I Only Have Eyes for You, Thomas Krekelberg
Iranian Poetry Lady, Michael Lee Johnson
Iron, Awake, Wes Solether
Is "F" for Function or Failure?, Rita Puishes
Ishmael Writes to a Friend Back Home: a Golden Shovel Poem, Wilda Morris
I Slept With Money, Richard Oberbruner
ISSAC, Jenny McBride
is this heaven?, Carole Z. Spinelli
It All Trickles Down, Kathleen Swain
It Always Comes Around, William Corvo
It Matters, Bob Hubbell
It's My Life, but You're Welcome to Hang Around, Larry Turner
It Used To Be So Easy, Constance Vogel
It Was Around Midnight, Joshua Cooper
Ivan Albright's American Beauty, Transformed, Julie P. Center
I Wait, Ida Kotyuk
I Want Out!, Jeanne Pachaly
I Will Always, Misa Albanese
Jackie O., Andrew Neirman
Jamey, Maxine Butcher
Japonismé, Lesley Carhart
Java Jive, Ron Edison
Jealousy Has Heavy Wings, Ellen Rebman
Jeannie in the City, Andy Beier
jetz odernie, Emily Ruggles
Jewelery Collage, Kolton Vanderwerf
Joe & the Easy Chair, Tricia Cimera
Johnny Cash, Greg Masciola
Joy, Jesus Guzman
Just a Few Words on Religion, Annie Laurie Gilsdorf
Just a Joke, Brian Waddington
Karl Marx and the Making of the Modern World Looking at the Problem of Scientific Bias from All Engels, Auguste Baltrimaviciute
Katrina and the Waves, R. Ryan Brandys
Keepsake, Christina Riani
***k Me Boot, Chris Link
Knot, Joan Kalmanek
Korean Traditional Dance, Myong Suk Suh
Labor of Love, David John Simcik
Lady Hummingbird, Kristen Neuber
Lady Moon, Freyda Libman
L.A. Haiku, Rita Puishes
lake at dawn-shawnee national forest, Laura Sosnowski
Languid Angel, Rosemary DiNardo
Lao Shi, Wilda Morris
Last Resort, Danielle Castelli
Last Rites, Jason Retuta
Last Straw, William Berkhout
Late Autumn Labyrinth, Angie Losacco
Laundry Etiquette, Chrissy Bruzek
Leaving, Susan B. Auld
Leaving, Karen Webb Owen
Let It Go, Mary Sikorski
Let's Dance, Jeanne Pachaly
Letter from the Editor, Anita Raichand
Letter From Waverly Station, Natalie Nicholson
Letter To J.G. In Rehab, Barbara Armbruster
LGBTQIA, Heather Wolf
Liar's Holiday, Thomas Struska
Liberal Insurgents Infiltrate DuPage, Leslie Sudderholm
Life and How to Live It, Brian Reedy
Life at 9,000 Feet, Laura Sosnowski
Life of Eyes, Mardelle Fortier
lightning in brilliant orange cloud, Edward Varga
Lilies for Mom, Marge Dady
Lilies X 4, Carol Schimel
Limonada, Alberto Aguilera
Lipjazz, Gerald Ryan
Listening, Robert Gockman
Listening, Jill Spealman
Listen My Request, Dorian Duka
Litha, Jeff Nyman
Little Brother, Sara Hayes
Living Alone (for Dan), Deborah E. Ryel
Lolita Repellent, Curt Clendenin
loneliness, Jenn Syperski
Lonely, Jo-Ann Ledger
looking glass, Carole Z. Spinelli
Looking Out Over Poseidon Avenue, Martha Attiyeh
Looking So Lovely, Thomas Fons
Look Up, Debra J. Brucker
Loon Dance, Kelly Naus
Lost and Exposed, Angie Losacco
Lost Dolls, Ron Edison
Lost Girl, Jennifer Romans
Lost in this World, Jennifer Hall
Lot C, John Hankiewicz
Love, Jennifer Hrncirik
Love: A Composer, Robert N. Georgalas
Love is a Home, Madeline Jefferies
Love is a Loyal Erection, Keith Barlog
Love or Hate, Shirley Lehman
Love Poem, Donna Pucciani
Love Thy Neighbor?, Robert L. Gockman
Loving Me, Unbiasedly, Corinne Prah
Lucid Dream, Dulce Vasquez
Lucky Tut, Jason Snart
Luc Longley, Dan Thurnhoffer
Lucy's Blues, Natalia Nicholson
lunch line, Laura V. Dierking
Lust for Life, Abdul Malik
m, Leona Evans
Madonna With Rose Diadem, Teresa J. Parker
Magician, Leslie Lee
Magnolia Deflowered, Maureen Flannery
Main Street USA, Eric Kooi
Main Street USA, Sandra Falesch
Make Like An Angel, Mildred Riese
Making Use of What Was Left, Maureen Flannery
Man Alone, John Emmett Gimpert
Man Going Squirrelly, David Beeching
Manipulative Tactics in Supermarkets and Personal Responsibility of the Customer, Peter Stanczak
Manitowau Eagle Dancer, Ryan Guide
Man Woman Cup Set, David Beeching
Mara And Mijo, Antoinette Traynok
Marbles, Blanca Delgado
Margaret, Paul Van
Mary, Jean Drury
Masquerade, Margarete Cantrall
Matt, Age Seven, at the Museum, Robert Gockman
Maude Fealy Portrait, Alice Ventura
Maudlin for Madeline, Bruce Gracka
Mechanized Health Care Via the Ford Plan, Robert Gockman
Medieval Tower, Sandra Castellan
Melancholy, John Pain
Melissa's Calm Place, Bonnie White
Men's Club, David McGrath
Menu, Gilberto Olivarez
Messages, Joe Benigni
Met A Girl, Tricia Whitworth
Metamorphosis, Mary Spadaro
Metamorphosis I, Katrina Zethmayr
Millions of Staples, Chrissy Bruzek
Mills Park on Marion Street, Raymond Ziemer
Mind Racer, Adam Kirby
Miniature Symphonies, Dodi Dolendi
Mirror Mirror, Jerry Ryan
Miss E, Maxine Butcher
Missed Chance Romance, David John Simcik
Miss Gross Materialism, Richard Oberbruner
Moche Strap Bottle Buffalo, David Beeching
Mom Now, Gina Farella Howley
Monetary Maunder, Anthony Harvey
Monsieur Buffon, Pat Pope
Monterray Trio, Woodice A. Fuller
Moon Bridge, Joan Kalmanek
Moon for Sale, Robert L. Gockman
Moonglow, Taylor Roylance
Moonlight, Christopher Pool
Moonlight in the Bedroom, Mardelle Fortier
Moon Tide, Tricia Cimera
Moose Cafe, David McGrath
Morat's Daughter, Peter Sheesley
Morgan, Laura Hertz
Morgue, Copper Tuma
Morning, Paul Sorenson
Morning, Laren Lofchy
Morning Commute, Brenda Jones
Morning Reflections, Julio Guerrero
Mother and daughter in the kitchen, Natalia Toreeva
Mothering Nature: A Rose's Story, Anthony Lucio
Mother of Mexico, Terry Aversa
Mouse in the Mirror, Diana Hatton
Movies at the Old Glen Theater, Marilyn Peretti
Moving On, Ron Edison
Mr. Jones, Chelsey Boutan
Mr. Leahy, Joseph Ward
Mr. Nobody, Sammy Jaber
Mrs. Nikki's Cats, Stephen H. Jansen
Mr. Squirrel's Magic Sack of Nuts, Edward Varga
Mule Ear Daisies in the Sierras, Laura Sosnowski
Muscles in a Skin, Robert N. Georgalas
Mushrooms Beware, Joe Benigni
Music Lessons, Laura Toops
Musing of Sophocles, Wilda Morris
Mussolini's Cat, Shannon Harmon
Mute Dave, David Beeching
My Black Cat, Tricia M. Cimera
My Escape, Sharon Kane
My Family Lives Inside A Clock, Kyle Wilson Young
My Favorite Flowers, Jenny Lauren Meyer
My Favorite Pillow, Gaylord Walter
My Grandmother's Painting, Katherine Brichacek
My Mother's Kitchen, Patty Mugavero
My Planet, Vimii Craven
My Poems, Mardelle Fortier
My Religion, Chris _
My Son, My Son, David John Simcik
Mystery Stones, Rita Moon Kain
My Therapist's Garbage Can Talks To Me, Ronald Boettger
My Thoughts Return, Fyodor Sakhnovski
Naive Love (London, England - 1944), Todd Swiss
Naked, She Irons, Robert N. Georgalas
Nameless, Worthless, Jaclyn Wochos
Nana's Birdnest, Amy Camp
Nancy, Patricia Ganoas
Nation, Tom Ferguson
Nature in Charge, Shirley Lehman
Naughty Eyes, Don M. Cornwell
Nellie Belle, Gretchen Totzke
Neptune's Realm, Tania Blanco
Nestlings Together, Mary Ramsey
Never Try And You'll Never Know, Kaytey Korwitts
New Age Krishna, Sudhamayee Kumar
New Language, Anna Kathrin Weber
New Orleans Morning, Sharon Kane
New Study Proves...Watching NASCAR Makes You Smarter, Tim Plocinski
Niche, Joe Benigni
Night, Rosemary DiNardo
Night Blinds Us to A, Robert N. Georgalas
Night Is a Zebra With Golden Eyes, Mardelle Fortier
Nightmare on the Street, Rachael Rochoki
Nil Pacis, Misa Albanese
No Goodbye, Constance Vogel
Non-Violence, Myong Suk Suh
Noodles, Patricia Gangas
Noon Shadow, Catherine Plunkett
Nostalgia (Woody Allen, "Midnight in Paris"), Mardelle Fortier
Note to Henrich Schliemann, Wilda Morris
Not even 100 letters would suffice, Uma Singh
Note Worthy, John Gordon
Not Today, Marilyn P. Donovan
Not Today, Sharon Kane
Not Yours to Take, Clayton Adams
November, Paul Sorenson
Ode To Myself, Russell J. Smith
Ode to Shirin Neshatt, David Beeching
Off to War, Karly Godbold
Of Rabbits and Raspberries, Tara Cobb
Oh God...(The Replacement), Sam Sato
Oh, to be a Bird, Camille Balla
Oil Painting on Canvas, Jacqueline Withers
Old Age, John Symkis
Old Dog, Maegan Masterton
Old Edges, Robin Liefeld
Old Love, Lee Zorn
Old on New, Patricia L. Karwatowicz
Old Timer, Robert Gockman
Old World, Marilyn Donovan
Omaha Beach, Lee Zorn
On a Rare Visit to Texas, Mardelle Fortier
On Bernard of Clairvaux, Tom Tipton
One Sea-Monkey, Two Sugars, Curt Clendenin
On Missing Laurie, or Laurel, as she would tell you, Anthony Opal
On the Bus, Robert Georgalas
On the Worship of Money, Edward Varga
Onwards, Molly Miklosz
Opening Night at Carnegie Hall, Patricia Petros
orange nancy, Leona Evans
Orchid Bud, Woodice Fuller
Organic Correspondence, Karen Peck
Organic/Geometric Teacups, Koral Halperin
Or So I've Heard, Brian VandenBos
Our Brother, Jean Drury
Our Stories, Roberta C. Stewart
Out-n-Up, Jeff Laird
Out of Indiana, Tara Cobb
Out of My Element, Robert L. Gockman
Outside Eisenhower, Bradley Banaszek
Pacific Coast Fog, Woodice Fuller
Paco the Parrot, Patricia Gangas
Paid Postage Stamps, Wes Solether
pain, Donald Jordan
PALM OF MY HAND, Florence M. Zielinski
Panic, Taylor Roylance
Para las mujeres de Juarez: la perseguidora y las perseguidas, Ron Friedman
Parlez-vous de Danse?, Alexandra Kurza
Parting, Karen Webb Owen
Passion and Repose, Helen Luther
Path of Love, Nicole Case
Pavlov's Poets, Gerald Ryan
peace, Kelly Kujawski
Peace and Innocence, Jamie Blood
Peace in the Garden, Tania Blanco
Pebble Beach Waves, Woodice A. Fuller
Peekaboo, Petra Ford
Penny Serenda, Jacqueline Withers
Perchance To Dream, Patricia Petros
Perfectly Beautiful and Beautifully Perfect, Pamela B. Lowrie
Perfectly Packaged, Neysa Henderson
Performance Poets, Constance Vogel
Performance Review, Jackie Spathies
Pete's Bar-B-Q, Frank Jackowiak
Pharmacy, Tammy Holowicki
Phoenix, Yvonne Thompson
Picasso, Jeanne Pachaly
Pieces of Her, Mary Spadaro
Pigeon, Amelia Kloskowski
Pink Needles, Jacqueline Dye
Pirate Dreams, Robert L. Gockman
plano, Mil Riese
Planting the Money Seed, R. Ryan Brandys
Playboy, Sarah Tasic
pleasure, passion, pain, Clint Thiele
Plug, Andy Hsu
Poem 1, Megan C. Kelly
Poem For America, Richard Oberhrumer
Poetry (Is the Artwork of Human Innovation), J. A. Greene
Poetry Remarkable, Roberta C. Stewart
Point, Dorothy Bandusky
Poker Game, Sheleen DeLockery
Popanse Creek, Stephen H. Jansen
Porcelain Rhythm #8, Anthony Pasek
Poverty, Liz Burns
Practical Advice for Young Female Poets: An Image Defined, Sarah Tasic
prairie light review editorial team
Prairie Sunset, Juli Bridges
Prayer for My Dog, Patricia Gangas
Pregnant, William Vollrath
Priceless, Matthew Kovich
Pritzker Pavilon Millennium Park, Andrew Cornillie
Pro-Tour in the Park, Frank Van Duerm
Public Transportation, Roger Darrigrand
Puff, Ida Kotyuk
Pure Joy, Sheleen DeLockery
Purple, Lindsay Kesler
Purple Pollen, Jacqueline Dye
Radiant Rays of Sunlight Pierce My Skin, Dylan Hoffman
Radio Eulogy, Jim Hayden
Rahm Emanuel: Where is the Golden Boy Chicago was Promised?, Samantha Wilson
Rainbow after the Rain, Denis Hagen
rain jam, Jo-Ann Ledger
Rain Revelation, Amy Peter
Rainy Night, Sandra Castellan
Read Between the Lines, Jenn Syperski
Ready, Set, Fire, Jamie McCreedy
Rear View, Joe Benigni
Reason, Resin & Dead Brain Cells, Matt Kucik
Rebecca in Human Resources, Ronda Crawford
Rebellion on a Kitchen Floor, Hedy Pajonk
Rebirth, Melanie Murphy
Reconceptualizing Plato's Socrates at the Limit of Education : A Socratic Curriculum Grounded in Finite Human Transcendence, James Magrini
Recreation, Linda Piwowarczyk
Reflections, Cathy Jo Wiesneth
Reflections, Connie Guchowski
Refuge, David Mayhew
Reincarnate, Jeff Nyman
Reincarnation (V2), Michael Lee Johnson
Rejecting Perfection, Jennifer Miller
Relationships, Caroline Johnson
Reliquary, Karen Webb Owen
Remember Her This Way, Sara Berg
remiss, Sue Ekins
Remote, Emily B. Fleishman
Reply, Jeff Hitt
Repose, Sharon Kane
Residual, Sean Hurst
Restaurant Intersection, Bill Trudo
Returning to Recollection's Place, Maureen Tolman Flannery
Return of the Prodigal, Robert L. Gockman
Revelation, Jennifer Miller
Rise and Shine, Joan Kalmanek
Riverfront, Lars Johnson
Romance in F Major, Donna Pucciani
Rome, Amy Peter
Room 202, Bruce Gracka
Root Women, Beth Staas
Rubicon, Noah Mann-Engel
Rusted Nails, Lisa Modelevsky
Sage, Thomas Struska
SAiD, Katya Pospisil
Salt, Joey Szelina
Sands of Time, Cynthia Bernal
Santa Cruz Fishing Pier Hopeful, Woodice Fuller
schizophrenic town criers, Brian Burke
Screech Owl - Grey Morph, Cheryl Rausch
Scrotum Sack, Dan Thurnhoffer
sculpture lookout, John C. Holme
Sea-esta, Wes Solether
Searching, John J. Gordon
Second Chance, Tim Emmerling
Secret Agent, Andrew Cornillie
Secret Alley, Irene Perez
See-Through, Sheila Teruty
Self Portrait in Winer, Tonia Jackson
Senior Moon, Mardelle Fortier
Sentiment, Susan Hogan
Serendipity, Anita Raichand
Serendipity, Tania Blanco
Serenity, Rita Puishes
Serenity, Mindy Evans
Sestina, Great Aunt Kate, Sandra Penrose
Sewers, Bradley Banaszek
Shadows on Snow, Mindy Evans
Shadowy Imposition, Rachel Wiegmann
Shame, Jesse W. Nash
She Became Quite Bossy, Carole Mertz
Shelf Talk, Kathleen Ward
Shelter For the Creatures, Chris LaFortune
Shepard of the Hills, Tamara Jayne Cogan
Shoe Dance, Susie Jendro
Siblings, Maureen Tolman Flannery
Sick Again, Kristina Zaremba
Silas Carter and Melba Blue, Marcella Nowack
Silence, Rebin Roy
Silky Satiny Sheets, Jeannine Messina
Since My Words Aren't Enough, Valerie Pierce
Singing at Supper, Barbara Armbruster
Sing it Frank, Physical Therapy, Micheal Lee Johnson
Six Steel Strings, Kerry Kraftner
Skater Transformed, Mardelle Fortier
Skin Field-Day, Ian Sherer
Sky Full of Time, Tricia Whitworth
Sleep It Off, Shelby Workman
Small Town Murder, Luke Stasi
Smoke Lingers, Brendan Martin
Snakes, Paul Giacalone
Snow Day, Cindy Pingitore
Snowman, Megan Sobotka
snow white and the dupage 7, Libby MacIntire
software switch, Carole Z. Spinelli
Solitary Bench, Geri Penz
Solitude, Susan Auld
Solola - Market Day, Joan Kalmanek
something good about cemeteries, Jenny McBride
Something to Say, Linda Tamas
Sometimes, Jennifer Mallory
Sonnet for his Namesake (DuPage River, Illinois), Glenna Holloway
Sophie Lives on a Farm, Heidi Koos
Soul Mates, Amelia Kloskowski
soup kitchen, Blanca Delgado
Space and Time, Marge Dady
Spanish Class, Blanca Delgado
Spindle, H. Anne Stoj
Spiritual Me, Jennifer Cooper
Spring Bark, Aichen Ho
Spring Cleaning, Aldo Romeo
Squeeze, Robin Weis
Stairs, Elgin Joliet and Eastern Power House, Andrew Cornillie
Stalker, Constance Vogel
Stand of Trees, Mary Yezek
Stanley, Michael Burrel
Star Child, Matt McNichols
Stay Away, Amy Peter
Stay the Night, April Priban
St. Brigit's Day, Larry Turner
Stems, Donald O. Brandt
Stippled Dove, Sandy Wright
Stockhouse, Paul Yeager
Stone Face, Cynthia Bernal
Stops, Sarah Lensink
Stuck In Red, Mary Sikorski
Studio, Ben Beyerlein
Study in Blue, Joe Benigni
Study in Frustration I, John Hankiewicz
Study in Frustration II, John Hankiewicz
Stumbling Block, Lisa Huston
Stupid...Mexicans, Jesus Guzman
Sub-Standard Standards, Liz Casaletto
Suddenly Tired, John Kuharik
Sudden Takeoff, Denis Hagen
Summer, Shannon Harmon
summer movement, Donald Jordan and Kevin Kocis
Summer of 1973, Caroline Muller
Summoning, Karen Webb Owen
Sunrise at Morton, Delio Rabaza
Sunrise, Sunset, Shirley Anne Lehman
Sunset, Tara Strahl
Sunset at Danada No. 1, Steven Tokarczyk
Surrender to Age, Helen Shullaw
survey for so-called rich suburbanites, Dick Sharpe
Survivor, Steve Van Dyke
Survivors, Patricia Pope
"Suspicious", Constance Vogel
Sweater, Natalie Geever
Sweet Home Chicago, Tima Wehbe
Sweet Sue, Maxine Butcher
Swimming Man, Marguerite Smit
Sydney Harbour Bridge, Sydney, Australia, William North
Syrian Refugees in Chicago: Examining Obstacles to Resettlement and the Role of the Syrian Community Network, Sarah El Neweihi
Systemic Lupus Erythematosus (SLE), Jennifer Pope
Szechuan Shrimp, Wilda Morris
Table Dance, Wilda Morris
Tain-L'Hermitage, France, Marj Nicoletti
Taxi!!!, Dot Whitmore
telemarketer, Donald Jordan
Television Warfare, William Marr
Tennis and Texas Hold 'Em, Patricia Gangas
That Bitch, Gilberto Olivarez III
That One Cold Windy Night, Kristin Westergren
The Archaeologist at Palenque, Wilda Morris
The Art of Making Amends, Michelle Weis
The Baking Lesson, Barbara Armbruster
The Bath, Mike Carter
The Beach, Amanda Gifford
The Bear, Jenny Lauren Meyer
The Beetles of COD, Jim Hayden
The Beginning of the End, Mindy Evans
The Blue Glass Bowl, Constance Vogel
The Blue Suit, David John Simcik
The Borders, Michele Bowers
The Bracelet, Jody Kenyon
The Bracelet, Jody Kenyon
The Braindrug, Nick Rankovich
The Cabinet in the Far Corner, Lisa Huston
The Call, Kari Timmers
The Calming Waters, Robert Fraser
The Cancer Store, Gerald Ryan
The Changing Colors of Skin, Carole Mertz
The Christmas Doll, Danna Durkin
The Circle, Jeannette Helmbrecht
The Claw, Rebecca Bonk
The Climb, Robin Liefeld
The Consumer's Lament, Robyn Byrd
The Cops of 9/11, Sandy Wright
The Dance, Roberta Stewart
The Deep End, Christopher Schmitt
The Effects of Body Mass and Water Submersion on Decomposition Rates in Mice and Rats, Elizabeth Carroll
The Face 401, Mary Yezek
The Face of a Child, Sharon Kane
The Farm, Jeannine Messina
The Fields, Mardelle Fortier
The First Artist, Tania Blanco
The Flowers in the Vase, Robert N. Georgalas
The Forever Question, Tricia Cimera
The Funeral and the Poker Game, Patricia Gangas
The Gag Reflex, Jason Snart
The Harrowing Harassment of Huge Hair Hanging Over the Seat in Front of Me On An Airplane at Night, Mardelle Fortier
The House In Roskilde, Donna Pucciani
The Houses, Patricia Gangas
The Hurricane Hunters, Glenna Holloway
The Impressive Egg: A Short Barnyard Story, S. C. Langham
The Jaws of Mona Lisa, Tricia Cimera
The Joker, Richard Mattas
The Journey, Tania Blanco
The King, Bob Hubbell
The Kiss, Joan Fliege
The Kiss, Tina Misantoni
The kissing queens of the county fair, David Thomas
The Kite, Kenneth Le Clair
The Lamppost Phenomenon, Arden French
The Last, Mardelle Fortier
The Legend, Mardelle Fortier
The Lilt of the Flute, Robert N. Georgalas
The Little Thing, Carrie Leensvaart
the long road, Dick Sharpe
The Loop, Frank Jackowiak
The Lost Meadow, Mary Kathryn Murphy
The Martyr, Sandra Penrose
The Martyr Defense, Matt Kucik
The Mask, Helen Shullaw
The Masked Color, Megan Lock
The Metropolitans (excerpt), Ron Edison
The Mexican Coquette, Keith Barlog
the might of mont blanc, R. Ryan Brandys
The Model Marion and I, Clayton Adams
The Modern Way, John J. Gordon
The National Gallery, David Thomas
The New Book, David John Simcik
The Next Smile, Carole Ann Spinelli
the nightmare, Bonniejean Alford
The Novel, Barbara Armbuster
The Orb, Matt McNichols
The Perfect Life, Thomas Fons
The Photo, Patrick Salem
The Photograph, Jo-Ann Ledger
The Piece of Fudge, Liz Burns
the place of my dreams, Christina Chin
The Preschool Teacher Standoff, Michael Lowery
The Prettybird Plight, Jessica Shubert
The Prosperity Trap, R. S. Petranek
The Rabbit in the Hutch is Let Go, Steph Ziemann
The Reaper in the “Nursery”: A Defense of Parental – Elective Euthanasia of Severely Ill Newborns, Douglas Davison
The Recycler, Kay Murphy
The Relationship, Roberta Carrie Stewart
There's Nothing Fun About a FUNeral, Chris King
The River, Marilyn Donovan
The Road Less Traveled, David Mayhew
The Script of the Wrens, Marilyn Peretti
The Search, Donald Jordan
The Seasons and the Slants, Michael Lee Johnson
The Second Rain, Bonnie E. Farnon
The Secret, Cindy DeFranco
The Seduction of the Easy Life, Jason Ford
The Shadowy Woman, Thomas Zarndt
The Sign, Brian Duffy
The silent fart, Ballerina Mogau Ntsoanne
The Smoker, Roberta C. Stewart
The Smoothie: Message from Paris, Mardelle Fortier
The Speculative Musings of a Simple Man, Tamanna Gulati
The Spider, Cheryle Krzyzak
The Spoon, Serena Niensted
The Stranger, Lee Zorn
The taste of each day, Jason Snart
The Temptations of St. Anthony, Tom Tipton
The Three Weird Sisters Revisited, Christine Wahlgren
The Tourist, Robert N. Georgalas
The Trainer, Barbara Armbruster
The Twin Towers, Abdul Malik Mandani
The Vapors of Consciousness, Leona Evans
The Warrior Healer, Matt McNichols
The Weathered Heart, Vladimir Golub
The Wind in Dry Grass, Tara Strahl
The Window of Time, Robert N. Georgalas
The Wine Glass, Amanda Wengert
The Wolf by the Bed, Mardelle Fortier
The World's Last Tear, Greg Lyons
Thirty Minutes of Ink, Natalia Tertusio
This Beach, Amanda Wengert
this is goodbye., Stephen Kane
Thorium Shipped Out, and Dust of Deceit Left Behind in West Chicago, Lindsey Stern
Those Eyes, Steve Van Dyke
Those Who Wait, Barbara Armbruster
Thoughts, Jake Nuessen
Thought Threads: A Time Tapestry, Eileen M. Ward
Through the Trees, Irene O'Neill-Sam
Thunder, John J. Gordon
Thursday, Jennifer Cismesia
ticking on your wrist, Lisa Huston
Time, Jeannine Messina
Time Standing Still, Jennifer Hall
Tiny Little Killers, Alexa Bertram
Title Page - "Human Condition", Laura Sosnowski
Toby the Turtle, Patricia Gangas
To Christopher Columbus - Your Fifth Voyage and Beyond, Wilda Morris
To Christopher Columbus - Your Fifth Voyage and Beyond, Wilda Morris
To Father, Michael Galati
Together\Apart, Kari Timmers
Tomorrow, Will Segovia
To My Daughter, Valerie Archer
To my Designer, Beautiful, Matthew Kovich
Tori Gate, Carrianna Renwick
Torzolo the Street-Organ Monkey, Jim Hayden
To the Crows, Wilda Morris
To The Note, Travis Drucker
Toy Box, Roy Upton
Trains in the Dark, Mardelle Fortier
Traveling Through Time and Space at the Music Faculty Recital, Katie Nauss
Trees, Lloyd Smedbron
Triathlon Man, Michael Lowery
Tribute to WWII, Marie Zubinski
Triptych, Kathrin Weber
Trish Wish, Christina Chin
Tropospheric Panorama, Russell J. Smith
True Love in Westmont, Barbara Eaton
True Suspense, Sarah Lensink
Trust Market Heros, Adam Zinanni
truth are Your gently rolling, Josh Ziemann
Tunnel Vision, Courtney Erwin
Turbulant and Calm, Lloyd Smedbron
Twelve Steps to Successful Transitioning, Susan Hilty
Twilight, Charles Crest
Two Daughters at Her Grave, Glenna Holloway
Two Virgins, Martha Attiyeh
Typhoon in Japan, Anita Raichand
Umbrellas, Mary Healy
Un-American to be Sad, Cynthia White
Undercover Art Operations, Sarah Lensink
Undercurrents, John Emmett Gimpert
Under the Covers, David Mayhew
Unfinished Life, Wendy Montague
unintended weapons, Steve Young
Unpredictable, Jasmine Meza
Untitled, Eunice Melara
Untitled, Matt Macnider
Untitled, Robyn Byrd
Untitled, Veronica Shukin
Untitled, Robert Kulys
untitled, Cathy Tighe
untitled, Marcy Thomas
Untitled, Mary Spadaro
Untitled, Mary Spadaro
Untitled, Mercedes Cassata
Untitled, Michelle Helms
Untitled, Cassandra Swirenga
Untitled, Maxine Butcher
untitled, Olivia Kent
Untitled, Patricia Borowiak
Untitled, Lindsay Leonidas
Untitled, Sheila Barabad
Untitled, Joshua Arends
Untitled, Courtney Erwin
Untitled, Sarah Fallon
Untitled, Shirley Anne Lehman
Untitled, Thomas C. Cornillie
Untitled, Ryan Sego
Untitled, Lee Zorn
Untitled, Jason Waclawik
untitled, Dee Sattler
untitled, Dee Sattler
untitled, Laura Sosnowski
untitled, Dee Sattler
untitled, Wayne Atkinson
untitled, Mindy Evans
Untitled, Dee Sattler
Untitled, Wayne Atkinson
Untitled, Kelly White
Untitled, Greg Brace
Untitled, Randall Heinz
Untitled, Brian Currie
Untitled, Kelly White
Untitled, Jeff Ropars
Untitled, Brian Wenberg
Untitled, Brian Wenberg
Untitled, Tim Lotesto
Untitled, Randall Heinz
Untitled, Randall Heinz
Untitled, Randall Heinz
Untitled, Joseph Hake
Untitled, Donald Jordan
Untitled, Clarke A. Sinclair
Untitled, Tomm Sosnowski
Untitled, Julie Ryan
Untitled, Julie Ryan
Untitled, Sharon Kane
Untitled, Sharon Kane
Untitled, Sharon Kane
Untitled, Mindy Evans
Untitled, Clarke A. Sinclair
Untitled, Christopher Hield
Untitled, Kaytey Korwitts
Untitled, Kaytey Korwitts
Untitled, Sarah Bambacht
Untitled, Neil Huffman
Untitled, Kaytey Korwitts
Untitled 1, Andrea Mikenas
Untitled #1, Courtney Campbell
Unwinding Anime, Hailey Jayne
Up Draft, Richard Oberbruner
Upstairs, Main St., Michael Burrell
Vacant (part of the Arrigo Park series), Roger Darrigrand
Vanilla, Josh M. Konkoly
Vanishing Points, Bill Hottinger
Variations of Japanese Haiku Verse, Keith Krasemann
Veggie Massacre, Alison Woldman
Veracity, Mary Kathryn Murphy
Vernal Falls, Yosemite, Laura Sosnowski
Verse 187, Matthew Kovich
Vietnam Memorial: Mirror of Life and Death, Mary Ellen Durbin
Viewing the Jade Bitter Gourd at the Palace Museum in Taipei, William Marr
Vigil, MJ Bressler
voice, Heather Gilbert
Voice in the Night, Clint Thiele
Voices, Paul Sorenson
Voyage, Donna Pucciani
Waiting, Misa Albanese
Waiting For The Wind, Laura Sosnowski
Wakening to Warmth, Rauthany Ly
Watching Charles Vickery Paint the Christian Radich, Glenna Holloway
Water Clock: State Four, James Magrini
Weathered Wood, Brian Wood
Weaver of Thoughts, Noah Huh
Wedding Day, Gretchen Totzke
We Laugh At Danger...And Boys!, Karl Arntzen
Wet Flower, Jennifer Cooper
What did you notice first?, Alyssa Ahlert
What I Found in Nature, Laura Yeakey
What Is My Worth?, Melanie Murphy
What May Be A Dream?, Alyssa Ahlert
What Shall I Wear Today?, Mary Kathryn Murphy
What the Fuck is Cheese?, Heather Wolf
What the moon found, Jason Snart
What Yellow Had to Say, Brandon Gregrow
When I Saw You, Camille Balla
When One Door Closes, Another Opens, Cynthia Bernal
When We Dream, Mary Sikorski
Where to Start, Gilberto Olivarez III
whispers, Carole Z. Spinelli
white gloves, Gerald O. Ryan
White Pelicans, Susan B. Auld
Why Not, Celia Gonzalez
Wicker Basket, Ann Gregory
Wild Flower, Michael Galati
Will She Land?, Mardelle Fortier
Windowed Walls, Sheleen DeLockery
Windy City - Time Saver, Steven Tokarczyk
Wine Country, Marj Nicoletti
Win For Life #125, Maryellen Reedy
Winter Spray, Carol Neumann
Wintertide, Jim Hayden
Winter Wonderland, Delio Rabaza
Wisconsin, Heidi Koos
With Great Fervor, Chrissy Bruzek
Within, Michelle Bennett
WMD Rats, Mary Healy
Woman and Flute, Natalia Toreeva
Woodcarving, Anita Raichand
Word Nocturne, Ruth Goring
Words, Katherine Belon
Words of the Carrion Eaters, David S. Rubenstein
Words of the Carrion Eaters, David S. Rubenstein
Working Man, Cathy Jo Wiesneth
Workshop, John J. Gordon
Wraith, Jake Nuessen
Writer's Block, Carolyn Paprocki
Y'all Havin' Sushi?, Joe Drozd
Yes, Bonniejean Alford
Yielding to the Harvest, Lee Van Ham
You, Patrick Salem
You Asked, Martha Attiyeh
You Mustn't Look at This (Oh Papa), Jim Hayden
Young Child, Robert Kulys
Young Love, Kari Timmers
Your Face in the Crowd, Marise Fleurisca
You Sizzle, Ron Edison
You Used To, Gerald Ryan
Yuppie Junkyard, R. Ryan Brandys